
Perhaps if the show had done what you suggested in the first year and fully incorporated Katrina, this wouldn't be an issue. That would have been the way to go. But they emphasized building the series around Ichabod and Abbie, and thus it was sold, with the rest supporting cast. Yes they have Katrina in the forest at

Again, I really wish people would take it easy on/blaming things on the shipper stuff. If anything the show is hamfistedly trying to separate the two. And make Abbie's character unlikeable,

It seems like, imo Goffman wants to prop Katrina up at the expense of Abbie's character, and dare I even say, maybe supplant her. Not totally, but feature her less. So don't worry, you'll get more Katrina in another episode where she's the feature (even Katia Winter in a double role!!) in a couple of episodes. I even

Holy smokes, this. I never knew how much I needed naked Ben Franklin in my life until Sleepy Hollow.

I think it's a lazy assessment that a lot of Katrina fans have to place dislike of her character on 'shippers' and not the fact that Katrina's been written poorly. It's an easy out to just blame 'haters'.

Up yours?

I think it might be a good time to step back and take some deep breaths. Maybe a walk outside in the fresh air, that might help.

Have to disagree with Ichabod having so much 'charisma' he would have detracted us from the Mills sisters. He ain't all that.

Yeah, I have to really say that was a ridiculous thing for the reviewer (sorry Zack!) to complain about. Henry is trying to drive a wedge between the two witnesses, of course it's gonna have some tie to Abbie eventually. Meanwhile Icky gets a pass for Knowing Everything/Everyone In The History of Ever. And I know

Less amusing is the fact that once again, the case of the week revolves
around someone with a direct personal connection to Abbie

I'd just like to say that 'manstress' is my new favorite word now.