
I’ve been wondering the same. Detroit hasn’t had a Republican mayor since 1961. Don’t you think that has something to do with why Detroit is an absolute shithole?

Thank you for proving my point.

ah, when you lose the battle of ideas you resort to personal attacks.

I’m with you there. John McCain is a scumbag who loves war even though he was tortured. Really weird combo.

I’m no Bernie Bro. Fuck Bernie Sanders. The guy is an absolute sellout. No backbone at all.

No problem. Hopefully you all learn from 2016, move away from the regressives and run a more palatable campaign in 2020.

“She was not inspiring, particularly because this country is shallow af and demand to be entertained by their leaders”

Richard Nixon wasn’t under FBI investigation while he was running for President. Watergate happened during his Presidency.

Can you name a more corrupt candidate?

lol for real. It will probably be a pretty short book. I can write it for them:

He could throw a fucking parade every single day in Feb and you people would still say it wasn’t enough. Not really sure what you want at this point.

Well done.

And yet he’s your

I’m glad you have this mentality. If all leftists think like you, Trump will get a second term.

Because they heard Hillary Clinton speak and thought, “I definitely don’t want that person representing me.”

Thank you for confirming that polls are bullshit.