
I thought Fred Armisen was supposed to be Krang?


It's an interesting take but I care more about the quality of the show then the mindset of it, and GoT is so many miles ahead of TWD its not even close.

I accidentally layered Gobbledigook by Sigur Ros over the fight scene in Matrix Reloaded with the hundreds of agent smiths. It was amazing, drugs were involved.

I tried to keep up watching The Late Show everyday on my lunch break, but there is just too much lowest common denominator celebrity humor. He still has some political bits here and there but nothing like it was. Le Sigh.

I dont think i've ever even heard her do an American accent? what movie are you talking about?

Dibs on band name. PANTHERFACE.


Rage Against the Machine already sounds really anachronistic, how anyone thinks this will be good in 2016 is beyond me.

A+ for attitude.

Definitely not, but honestly who cares? they are still challenging their listening audience and they still have two of the definitive albums of the last two decades for the tweens to find. They are placed on the top of any festival bill so who gives a shit how many tweets they get for this?

No joke that beat is hot.

I started crying on the first listen through the album on that part, and i wasnt sure why. This album is gorgeous, and i cant wait to confusingly blast it out of my car window.

I hope they sing colors of the wind in one of these sequels.

Bands now a days tend to do a lot of work on a computer and then turn around and play them live with instruments….its really not that uncommon and a lot of cool approved indie bands do the exact same thing.

Oh boy this made me laugh out loud at my desk. cheers.

Someone should give you an award for being so brave.

Yep you're right that does look like Mendelsohn.

Where was Ben Mendelsohn or Mads Mikkelsen?? (still the reasons i have extremely high hopes for this)