
Ha it's literally in the article posted.

He is a good pop artist, we have certainly heralded a lot of those over the last 40 years.

I like "watching a hungover dentist pull teeth" as a metric for many things.

Its more like when you go into a restaurant and there is something you don't like on the menu and someone says "Just don't order it."

No one is forcing you to click on the articles.

I'll speak of my chronic yeast infections where i please thank you very much!

Music library for me, with the internet as it is now, there is so much great music that can't be found on spotify. (i also spend like $5000 on live shows so I rationalize it that way)

My dreams of little john being played by lil jon are dashed!

I can't argue it wont be MOR but it has to be better than JJ's by default right?

This is 100% going to happen.

but…but…Rian Johnson…

They did way too much of the *cut* show punch *cut* show person flying away from the punch.

If you just think I'm on here to shelter myself from anyone with a discerning viewpoint, swipe right.

For a space travel movie, they had a pretty plausible idea for why those retro songs would be in the movie, whereas this doesn't really make any sense.

This. I spit coffee at my desk.

Very much this.

really? Bill Gates? Elon Musk? Jeff Bezos? None of these names ring a bell?

but he has glasses, surely no one would ever notice.

that is my argument on any prequel, part of the appeal of a SHIT LOAD of different characters is that they are kind of mysterious

Do people not like the first one? i think it has a lot of charm still.