
Oh you jerk - bibimbap here I come.

Lack of useful and proper education versus willful ignorance unfortunately. Even if you try to learn things about yourself you still have to go through a minefield of bad information - case in point, normal heterosexual porn being a young girls first taste of what “real” sex looks like.

Ok - DISCLAIMER: I didn’t watch the trailer for the trailer b/c I like to be completely and utterly surprised going into movies. Like yes - I know this is about the ghostbusters, but again, reboot with new characters same story or same ghostbuster universe as previous movies? I am that very annoying person.

Listen here optimist, if I wanted something happy I would see the revenant! This is America and we are in the middle of a presidential election. I want the gritty, dark, pit of despair, terror inducing ghostbusters or none at all. During this bleak time we need the silent guardian, watchful protector version of

This might be the best comment of all time. Thank you for making my entire miserable day.

OMG - you can do online D and D? How did I not know this - what rock have I lived under.