
The cat was recording.

Wait, has anybody actually BEEN to O’Hare who is trashing it? It generally beats the pants off of Midway, and security is always more or less a breeze even on holiday weekends.

I’m not gonna lie. I cackled. At muppets. Grover’s freakin’ face when he plays music. Just head back, dear god, I fucking love this song! dance

“Bg is a rare town. It is one of the few universities that have immediate access to bars within walking distance of the campus.”

My cat, "Catman" aka "Fat Bastard" was adopted from the humane society. He's 19 lbs of pure love. If he's not near me, he whines. I wanted a cuddle cat and not a room mate who ignores me and doesn't pay rent. I got that in spades. He's adorable and he likes to try and kill me on accident with his bulk.

Gordon refers to Cafritz as "Julie" in the book!

Patel clearly fired her in retaliation for exercising her right to free speech.

My dealer spliced hemlock into my kush. Now I'm dead.

I love how people make this leap in logic: "I don't like the show, therefore it's not any good." You're the type of critic that no one asked for or deserves.

Go watch a Big Bang Theory re-run, jabroni.

Officials didn't have enough to charge Wells with rape, so they settled for inappropriate Huggins.

Countercountercounterpoint: you know no black people.

Asked about his choice of attire and hair, Laettner replied, "You know, Mormony, morp problems."


It was also fun to see what Smash Mouth is doing these days.

Go eat your French fry sandwich.