See mallthus’ greyed post in this comment thread. That should explain it, I think.
See mallthus’ greyed post in this comment thread. That should explain it, I think.
Yeah. I was gonna post one of the super racist pics, but it seemed like a bit much for some reason, so I decided on the slightly less racist version.
20th/21st century pancakes are also kinda racist!
Of course she called her classmate a pussy! She’s a badass and that’s just how she rolls. That classmate is lucky she didn’t get turned into a cow and have her house blown up!
Was this event segregated by sex? The Kristin Wiig photo is all female (I think I see only one guy), and the Dan Ackroyd pic is all dudes.. Whashappening?!
Well la-di-dah... listen to little richie rich over here defend Daddy Warbucks and his extravagant resort town estate!
They’re hurling abuse at you because you’re a numbnutz.
Good point, numbnutz.
Wait... This guy?
Eh... no big deal. This was the educational programming where I grew up:
So that’s how you neglect to address the holes in your argument?
Hamburg Tang
They have some guns in England, numbnuts.