@Caturday Yet?: I dont see anything.
@Caturday Yet?: I dont see anything.
@SilentAmmo aka Sketchy S: Nope.
Holy crap, it's beautiful!
I love 1:45.
The green one is pretty sexy.
@Micho: Our previous vice president liked to shoot lawyers.
@photogamer: I rim-light your mom all the time.
@Mohammed Arabiat: Thanks.
@ProjectMoonlightCafe: In the next photoshop contest.
Only the best.
@seanpat12: I get that, I appreciate your argument, and I agree with you. We were just discussing the importance of proofreading your comments.
I know Freud would have had something to say about this, but when i saw "foursquare", I read "foursome."
@Dr_Defenestration: Yeah, I didn't notice, but the "shotty" just stood out to me.
@Steve Climaco: That seems like a good idea.
Twitter never made much sense to me.
@Dickeydoo: Yeah, and the chart was growth. So leveling off is not a decline, as the deceptively made chart shows. Growing 0% when people are buying millions worth of notebooks is not bad, it just means people arnt buying more than last month. I realize it shows a 4% decline, but that one statistic means nothing by…
@seanpat12: I believe you mean "shoddy."
@Dezerus Richardson: That's quite the analogy.