My god that looks tasty.
@Brian Wilson: Same
I miss this show so much. Syfy... I need you!
@Stem_Sell: Looks like we're in need of another cleanup. I'll bring some tortilla chips. Care to join?
@rjw2116: I count four.
@hawkeye18: That's a pretty cool story.
@Hunter2458: If you cover water with latex, is it still water? (i.e. a water balloon) There is no chemical bond taking place as far as I know.
@Lonesharkx: People die from inhalation every year! And it's addictive!
@Hunter2458: DiHydrogen MonOxide if you want to be specific.
@tomsomething: Once a month the nanorobots need to empty their reserves.
You must be getting on a bit. You used the word nifty.
@Eteyos: The point is that the fan pulls most of its volume by sucking air along with the forced air, instead of being pushed 100% by blades.
@Jeff: Well, he already invented the dyson ball, so he's partway there.
@SKiTz: He would definitely fall under the "Eureka" category this week.
Why are those particular back seats so safe in a crash?
Spratt, loving the illustrations. Keep up the good work, it is appreciated.
@Winky: High speed rail without republicans bitching about it and trying to stop it. Even though the state will get federal funding.
@Winky: Sweet, a fellow Wisconsinite.