This article, and film of the website itself was just on Madison area NBC 10 o'clock news. And they gave credit to Gizmodo. Nice.
This article, and film of the website itself was just on Madison area NBC 10 o'clock news. And they gave credit to Gizmodo. Nice.
@Peter Bossley: That's horrible! I can't understand why people must be so mean. Man, I think it's awesome that you didn't let your lack of vision limit you. Keep it up.
@Adapter Design: Have no fear, the fashion police are here!
@darkgandhi05: It's concrete. look at number 4
@Mark 2000: Shit I thought that was fake. It looks exactly like the silhouette of a heavy and a scout from tf2. Finger is the mini gun, wisp below is the scout.
@indranil1703: annotations on/off
@operator207: I'm gonna go out on a limb here and guess you're using Windows and remote desktop...
@Gondito: The enemy's gate is down
@valkilmerisawful: I read this in their voices, and it it made it over 9000 times better.
@grok666: Ugh.
The waterbed marketshare sprung a leak.
@drewg: It's very improbable.
So I should name my next computer Heart of Gold?
@acencsu: Greater intelligence does not equal more code. The reason simulating the human brain is near impossible now is because of how dynamic it is. That Mississippian has a similar number of neurons, but the connections that Einstein made between his neurons via outside stimuli and and the pseudo randomness of…
@hawkeye18: "And that's the point where I stopped caring about anything he had to say."
@Hellaphunt: Most of the time.
@razreshat: It's considered art, you can do that.
@stevewoz: You have no idea how much I am looking forward to this...
@Sanewicked: Yeah, the differences are usually minuscule. The biggest difference I've seen was between like 5 versions, and one of the chapters was moved, though the content was pretty much the same. The most common differences seem to be slightly changed wording, well worth the saved money.