
You know what Andy Reid finds even more enticing than Tony Romo’s busted ribs?

Good luck commander! I did this about a year ago. I ended up quitting ME1 about half way through and just doing the cool comic book thing to jump into ME 2. It’s amazing to me how much better ME2 is compared to the first game (in terms of gameplay; the lore/storytelling in 1 is top notch).

“Wahhh! Everyone who thinks different from me is a nazi! Now excuse me while I go beat those free thinkers half to death while preaching about peace and love.”

I’ll be glad when Lifehacker and whatever Gawker Media is now called gets back to reporting on the stuff each subsite does and leave the political stuff over on Jezebel or the Root.

This is a fair critique. But the Falcons’ weighted defensive DVOA (which discounts the first six games) still ranks 22nd. And they’ve really only shown a marked improvement defensively since Week 16. Click here and scroll to the bottom.

What planet do you live on? Barkley called LeBron out for being a bitch and then LeBron proved he was a bitch by calling out Barkley for his gambling problem. Nuance? Give me a fucking break. LeBron is a petulant child.

Oh, so a list of companies to avoid, works both ways!

I can’t believe so many people are all in on defending Lebron’s whining about his teammates not be good enough for the 10 time this year. To each their own.

When did this happen? Now I can’t stop seeing Uncle Shaq...

I think the difference between him and other golfers, is Tiger has trained his entire career like he does play offensive tackle. I imagine that sort of intense workout routine takes a toll on your body over the years.

All jokes aside, is this guy going to be able to walk in 10 years? He’s got more backbackback issues than Chris Berman.

“Or I won’t spend it at all, and save it instead — putting it back into the economy via banking investment that grows jobs for other businesses.”

“How are they going to keep updating a game when they lay off half of their development staff as the game ships?”

At that price, there is absolutely NO economic justification that holds up.

We should also outlaw thrift stores. Why, I could go buy a used Aerosmith CD and fuck over Aerosmith! Right now, some selfish person is probably at Goodwill, about to buy a FUBU sweatshirt. I hate how many ways there are to fuck over FUBU.

That arguement kinda breaks down when you view games as an entertainment good, and stop viewing them as thin disks of plastic.

Its not the consumers job to put food on the developers table.

I get why you’d like to buy new, and support the devs and all that. But it’s a damn shame that our society needs to constantly buy new stuff instead of repurposing. The environment can only take so much.

Totally read that in this guy’s voice:

His name is Jason Pierre Paw.