
I didn’t say I thought the price was fine. Just that I didn’t feel the existence of some abhorrent new sprite work would have justified it.

she didn’t do any of that though.

Free preventative care

But Kohler is going on about what a game is “worth,” and part of that is the cost of development.

... high as they were were much less than they would have been had ACA not been past.

I don’t think this narrative is quite correct. It turns out that people are sicker than insurance companies first thought they were. So the prices have had to adjust.

I’ll pay extra to get those games without SE’s “effort.”

“People Who Annoy You”

Because they didn’t want to code it? Instead they just made it so your one character can do everything.

I’ve read a lot of reviews (including this one) and am just disappointed. Even a lot of the major story beats of the first game seem to be back. You’re the Chosen One! There’s some Aggressive Menace! There’s Mysterious Alien Technology Left Behind Mysteriously! The alien race lineup is insanely uninspired especially

Didn’t they have 60 votes? They probably weren’t going to get a single payer, but this idea that Dems are pure as freshly fallen snow who only fail due to Republican treachery is hilarious.

Reading about how static electricity can mess up the whole thing 

Everything was idiot-proofed in the 1990s too, at least after Windows 95.

You seem to believe that politics can be taken out of politics. How naive.

I’m fine with a single payer system if that’s what we wanted to implement, but the idea of health care as a “right” I am not fine with for various reasons.

Obama explicitly said “we can keep our plans”, implying that it was no cost to people who were on a setup they liked.

Yep, my costs have skyrocketed since the ACA passed as well. I look wistfully at the days of my health coverage when I started my career. There’s no free lunch, despite what Obama said early on. ACA has redistributed a lot from employed folks with private coverage to the uninsured and (to a lesser extent)

“It’s so obvious because every major piece of legislation is intended as a starting point to kick off a series of changes,” Andy Slavitt

I’m fine with this.

It really depends on the game, but chances are the CPU does not matter much as it generally does not matter much.