
We still have Destiny.

I worded my original post rather poorly xD. I remember reading this on that old G4/TechTV show "ICON" that featured Half-Life in several episodes. I think that ValvE used The Mist as inspiration for the disaster that ensues in the opening chapter of Half-Life.


Yep. You pretty much summed up my exact sentiments on Destiny. Dream game that I've always, always wanted. Even down to the art style.

I remember reading somewhere that The Mist was the official-unofficial prequel to Half-Life. Makes sense, top secret transdimensional research allowing horrible creatures to flood Earth...

I. Cannot. Wait. I was a huge fan of Halo, and I can't wait to enjoy Destiny on my PS4 in the future. Everything about this game excites me.

Destiny has been my #1 most-anticipated since its announcement. I. Cannot. Wait.

Yes, thank you. You sound like you have some experience.

Yep. I will build a new PC.

"Just because even the PC version was worse than the E3 screening; they made the PC as bad as the consoles."

I expect the same treatment from Ubisoft on Watch_Dogs.

Seriously though, I am so close to building a gaming rig and buying a PS4 almost exclusively for Destiny, and using the PC for everything else (I should

In my opinion (don't throw anything, Aliens fans, I feel your pain), it's much, much, worse. Gearbox presented only one pre-rendering of Aliens: Colonial Marines.

Moral of the story, don't trust Ubisoft. They are already the worst in the industry about bullshots, and now they've moved to straight-up false footage at every turn...this is a bait-and-switch at its finest.

I'm really not feeling too confident about The Division anymore...

The thing is, Bob, is that Ubisoft went and displayed Watch_Dogs gameplay that was supposedly on the PS4 multiple times, not just one trailer where you couldn't actually see a PS4. That E3 2012 footage may well have been on a high-end PC, but that was two years ago. PC-whoring aside, the PS4 has been shown to be

Graphics question #187, but seriously...What happened to the game's graphics?

Agreed. ME3 was the final straw for me. I never had the chance to purchase BF4 when it was released, and after seeing the blatantly-unfinished trainwreck that it was, and in many ways still is...I'll wait until after DAIII is released and see what people have to say about it before I even consider a used purchase

It's EA...

Is it true that Aiden will go after sex traffickers in this game? I'm already interested in the game, but if that is true I am sold.

EDIT: Was finally able to watch the trailer. Sold.

+1 because reasons.


After completing nursing school, along with my Pediatric Emergency Medicine certifications, I want to acquire further training and become a certified Bioterrorism Response Nurse.

So, God forbid, if a bioterror attack were to happen in my city, I'd be one of the few qualified to handle not just treating affected