
"The check in made sense as it was the only way to make certain no one was pirating. It was certainly intrusive but at the time a better option didn't exist and still doesn't. It wasn't right for the world admittedly."

That's just pathetic. You actually believe that. Say no more, Vaer. You'll clearly believe anything

Hear, hear.

"It might sound like some conspiracy theory, but if you take a second to look for yourself you'll see that much of the things that supposedly 'are not possible' are only so because there's a more profitable alternative."

This is an article pointed towards the users of the internet in the United States. As was my previous comment.

Wholeheartedly agreed with you. My hope is that maybe, maybe if enough people get pissed off about this, get really mad, and loud, that action could be taken to break away.

This is the death of the internet as we know it, why on earth aren't people making a bigger deal about this???

Keep telling yourself that. I'd be happy to cite some sources, but you're going to say "Well..these aren't credible" because you've chosen to not accept reality. The mandatory 24-hour check in was a real thing, nothing misrepresented or misquoted about that. The used-game DRM was also a real thing. Again, nothing

Yes, because Microsoft's "You can pay to play your friend's game if publishers approve it, and they can't have their game back...but we may not actually even let you do this, as we're only currently 'exploring' the idea" policy on used games and the mandatory 24-hour check-in was so wonderful. Microsoft dug their own

Also, a big THANK YOU for this article.

Agreed. For the sake of being relevant to gaming I had stated gaming websites. You are absolutely correct, though. This is much, much bigger than gaming.

Throw some insatiable greed into the mix, and it gets even worse.

Why do I feel like we just fell behind in innovative technology by several decades?

...Isn't corporate greed wonderful?

You can keep all your Amidianborn 4K texture mods and ENB series!

This is the only mod I'll ever need.

I'm honestly expecting later iterations of Bungie's Destiny to have expansive space battles. I think they stated that the Sabre sequence in Reach was more of an experiment for them, and that they were pleased when it had such great feedback from the fans.

I loved it. I'd love to see more of it in the sequel to Destiny

A faithful bunch we have here. Thank you all!

Sounds like you've got a good dog.

A...a new version of Renegade? Someone...Bob? Get me an "Oh, my" GIF, NOW.


Not surprised with either party at all.

Anybody a huge fan of Ross Scott's Freeman's Mind series on YouTube like myself? He used to be a partner of Machinima, and is going through a nasty legal situation with them because of Machinima's incredibly shady business practices (i.e., not honoring contracts they drafted,

I'm sorry, but this looks like Call of Duty with "mechs" thrown in. I never understood the mouth-frothing hype about this game to begin with, or how on earth it won "Best in Show" at E32013. The wall running seems to be very, contextual, meaning that it really only seems to work on certain areas, and the shooting is

Looks like it definitely plays like COD...not sure if gusta.