
Then you read it exactly how I intended it to be read, friend!

"It is hilariously ironic that the award for putting up with crashes is XP you can only collect if you manage to get through to the end of an entire BF match, which are LONG on average."

That is precisely why people should see why this isn't a real fix for,

Just speaking what I saw. Hard to deny it when it's right in front of you.

Eugh...never mention the game-that-must-not-be-named. Ever.

No ads, no ads, a few ads, ads on the front page, ads plastered everywhere.

Alternate or superior suggestion? How about something less pointless, you know, like a temporary discount on Premium or the current DLC packs, but that would be less greedy, can't have that. Something that actually has practical value would be nice, because an XP bonus that won't apply to you half the time

"I'm not experiencing said problems, so obviously they just don't exist!"

Great, yep. Great thought process you've got there.

Honestly, do you really want to at this point? If this is what EA gives us as their "flagship" title? What do you think will become of lesser titles?

While they charge you for content that is on-disc. You're forgetting that part.

That's a dream, and only a dream. This is EA.

When they lock the M249 behind the campaign progress, a lot of people, actually.

Yes, good. Let the fanboy butthurt flow through you.

Yes, shame on them. This "act of good faith" is their cop-out. Battlefield 4's main issue is crashing. When the match crashes, out goes your XP progress. So for them to say "We are giving you guys double XP because we so sorry" when the main issue is the game not

As a sign of good faith, Wilson and Troedsson had also announced a double-XP week for Battlefield 4 players. That week ends tomorrow, December 5.

Only one EKG sensor, and only on the midaxillarly line? That's kinda odd. I don't really see that thing getting a great reading...

That's because the xbone says "Screw you use the $100 tech demo!"

Adblock. Use it. about that Disaster Watch tag?

You're one of the lucky few, then. The fact that this game is as broken as it is merits a Disaster Watch tag, regardless if Sim City was even more horrifically broken. Heck, I would say Battlefield 4 deserves it even more so at this point...EA shouldn't have released a broken/unfinished game after the Sim City

Did not know this...thank you!