
They were going for a walk RIGHT PAST SURVEILLANCE to possibly break into a house to prevent an attempted/successful suicide. What do you think is going to happen next? Do you think there ISN'T the potential for police or FBI to be involved and start asking questions?

I'm not here to pile on, but I'd like to give you a couple more things to chew on. I haven't seen the series yet, but I did read the book about 30 years ago when I was in high school. The book is written from a historical perspective, 200+ years after Gilead, iirc, looking back on how society changed.

Whenever someone brings up the pacing of this season and how they're checking out, I start to wonder if I'm the crazy one. I savor every moment. I giggle with anticipation watching five minutes of Oleg having a tense wordless supper with his family. I marvel at how much information is conveyed by looks, pregnant

Oh? I assumed by the sequence of events that it was a request to meet with the Orthodox priest.

I don't know much about Paige's extra-curricular activities, but certainly if she were involved in the School yearbook, photography club, or newspaper/newsletter, B&W film would be unremarkable.

I disagree with your analysis. There is a direct line from EST session > drop rock signal > marriage. It's not desperation, it's Philip looking for authenticity in the relationship he cares the most about. It's not a bandaid, it's cementing the bond.

OK, I know this thread is over a year old. But I have just finished the second season myself.