
Worth noting: the “randomness” of Hero is nowhere near comparable to that of G&W or Peach. The latter have very low odds of high reward, then actually have to land the attack. Hero’s randomness applies to most of his moves, and is almost always safe to attempt.

I don’t know about others, but my reaction is based on cases like these:

The proper term isn’t downvotes, it’s “surprise disagreements.”

Well at least that will give them a sense of pride and accomplishment 

Alternatively: it’s the two button.

The assets during gameplay could be of the exact same fidelity, the tricky part is that filmmakers use perspective, positioning and lighting to meticulously control what you see and place things perfectly in the frame. Props can be moved around and lights added or removed, all just to capture a single image in the

That, and giving John’s line “Nothing ever ends” to Silk Spectre.  Completely takes all the resonance from it, and for no good reason.

Anyone who thinks there was a hero in Election, particularly Traci Flick, doesn’t understand Election, or, in fact, flim.

I’m in full-on “great, now what?” mode after finishing up a Native playthrough in Europa Universalis IV (kept the Spanish at bay and finished 9th in the world on points as the Mik’maq, not a bad result for a NorAm techgroup faction one-province minor.)

It’s fantasy heavily inspired by history, though. Travel being incredibly difficult is a big part of that, it’s not like they have steamboats or something. The Dothraki haven’t spoken in a while, because they’ve never been that chatty, but there are tons of people from Essos with speaking parts, just look at Meereen.

Westeros is heavily based on medieval Europe/the UK, of course it’s super white. Also, there were plenty of minorities in Essos, the plot just isn’t there any more. I don’t watch anime based on feudal Japan and complain about the lack of white people.

It's derivative of their copyright and is basically a more detailed version of the character as he appears in the 3d games, so I don't see why they'd license it. And as Gray Man points out, they almost certainly have prototype versions that basically look right anyway. 

All I want from this movie is for somebody to do a South Park inspired “witch... pursuit... thingie” joke riff on Will Smith’s immortal “suicide squad” line. They missed their chance to mock it in JL, possibly just by literally repeating the line, so this is a big shot at redemption.

Did Eminem ever use it as a generic noun, though? I hope not, but I’ve learned my lesson about genuinely hoping for anything.

I can only speak for NY law because I am not licensed anywhere else, but in NY a judge can reject a settlement. They very rarely do so, and certainly not because the general public wants to know what happenes, but they will reject a settlement if they think it will lead to more litigation almost immediately.

The character’s name is Nate. Nick is the actor’s name. FYI.

I understand that the writers decided to change things around last-minute and not make Hank the big bad of the season, but Nate’s whole “my dad was never evil, he was just trying to train these sentient magical creatures against their will for a lifetime of indentured servitude / slavery!” really didn’t work for me. Ha