
You don’t have to support anything or eat any cake at all, and no one has to prove the sincerity of their beliefs to you. How about that?

“If you love everyone it takes away the value of love.” - Marilyn Manson

I almost stopped when I saw it was more than eight minutes, but I tried it. More than five minutes later I do see anyone rapping.

I’ve never seen it. I don’t watch television.

Hair like a snow cone They say I’m vi-o-lence prone

Yes, I have a cat I rescued when he was only about 6 weeks old and I had to feed him with a bottle. He can still turn into a wild animal when he is outside. Before I got him fixed if I took him outside we couldn’t go back in the house until he was ready. And as for the rest of it if it happens to Siegfried and Roy it

If I saw you outside I’d say, “I love you Kesha. So glad you got away from Dr Luke.”

Okay, this is new information to me, too. I remember when people were saying the story was weird because the vampire is very old and the girl is supposed to be in high school, but I never saw anyone discuss this. Maybe it’s the real reason the werewolf boy’s career folded.

Pro Tip: If you are going to drive a car like an idiot, buy it first

the reading that Dunham molested her younger sister Grace by peering into her vagina when the girl was a toddler.

This is a great illustration.

The sad thing is my mom liked really cool music like Sly and the Family Stone but had it on vinyl so the music in the car was cassettes of what I think of as Eagles-adjacent. It was my mom’s boyfriend because parents were divorced long before, but he was the one that liked some of the singer-songwriter pop stuff. I

Okay, let’s pretend that chemtrails are real, as a given, just as a thought exercise.

Anti-science is the new phrase they use to tell us GMO’s are good because definitely plants should be engineered to resist herbicides so that we can spray more and stronger chemicals and destroy native plants, which in turn is wiping out the bees and the butterflies.

I don’t know if a “chemtrail” is a real thing that exists or not, and I’m pretty sure no one else posting here does either. I know that I see planes that don’t leave visible trails and planes that do, and they’re flying at the same time at what appears to be roughly the same altitude. So the contrail argument seems

I don’t know who Jim, Bob, and Josh are but do they all kiss each other or what?

I’m sure Ward and June gave them a stern talking to.

Steven Tyler has ALL the shoe polish in his hair.

This is terrible. I feel like he didn’t actually attempt to murder anyone but some kind of conspiracy charge wouldn’t be enough to hold him long. It’s like they are trying to get him off the street but they probably won’t be able to hold him long. Then the victim can get a restraining order but that doesn’t stop

Probably a better education, richer life experiences, cleaner air, less false morality, and certainly lots of opportunities for fun in a beautiful setting, compared to growing up backstage surrounded by television people in Los Angeles.