I don't mean to downplay harassment. What I'm saying is I don't think the term stalking should be diluted. Words are important. They shape our reality.
I don't mean to downplay harassment. What I'm saying is I don't think the term stalking should be diluted. Words are important. They shape our reality.
It's definitely still more socially acceptable for a man to act this way. He is just "going after what he wants" but when a woman does it she is a desperate loser. We're not in disagreement.
I am saying scare his parents with the prospect of his future being tied to a google search that will show he scared some girl when he was in high school. It's about getting his parents involved using something they can understand. They may not understand or care about the girl in this situation or her feelings. They…
Part of it is semantics. We might mean different things when we say "soul mate." I avoid the term because I do think it's not always honest or helpful to think that way but I'm definitely not going to rule out that there are connections between people that go beyond this life. Basically if both people involved agree…
I was trying to keep "Twin Flames" a secret.
I wasn't clear. It wouldn't be "the boy who likes my daughter." It would be his actual name because he was part of a lawsuit or he was arrested or his name was in social media as a creepy guy who won't take no for an answer. Although if he is not 18 I guess his name wouldn't be in the papers for being arrested. That…
From visiting Los Angeles I find the racism there to be pretty overt and it's definitely classist, with "Mexicans" being the people that are thought of as the people white people hire, so it's not that surprising to see that the people at the show have this attitude. It is surprising to see it displayed openly on a…
Go to the police until you get one who will get off on playing the big man to this high school kid. If no one can do anything, that's because no rules or laws are being broken, and at that point you tell the school you need that rule and why. You might have to get a lawyer.
You are the Joker.
Fair enough.
Her video probably won't do anything except increase her ad revenue. If talking to the parents and the police won't do it this video won't either. It might start some conversations, though. But those conversations will be with thoughtful people who probably would be aware of what's happening in their kid's life and…
I've been stalked and they called my mother after finding her online. It's not the same thing. If he is following her, waiting for her, randomly shows up at places where she is outside school that's getting into stalking. But stalking should not be used to mean harassment because then everyone who claims they are…
I've been harassed by women and have friends that have been also. Some women think that any man they choose wants to have sex with them. This is conditioning and archaic attitudes at work but let's not add to it by acting like only men are capable of being creepers. I know #notallmen is a joke, but it's true here.
Let's not call this stalking. It is harassment but stalking is scary and not just annoying.
I see the mom as needing content for her youtube account, mostly. What she could do is contact the boy's parents and let them know that it will ruin their son's future if this continues because you will call the police and get a lawyer and this is what will come up when he is googled.
Whether or not there are soul mates is a different subject, though. If you want to use that then maybe the logical idea is that our soul mates would not reject us repeatedly. I'd leave the soul mate thing out if I was just going to rattle off some cliches about "other fish in the sea." I wouldn't put the soul mate…
I don't watch contemporary popular movies really, though I've seen Chloe in a couple of things. I'm just going on this: Chloe is a Morrissey fan and Jennifer Lawrence dates Coldplay. Chloe wins and can say whatever she wants. I'll never have to put up with either of them so I don't care if she's not nice or whatever.
What does she do except post these pictures and personal attacks on famous people that gain her fame? Her statement is self-evident. If people weren't calling her a slut there would be very little to say about her.