
Can we not throw harsh, insulting labels at people just because we disagree with them politically?

I don’t align or identify with most of Ben Shapiro’s policy positions, but I also get the sense that he is respectful to his guests even when they disagree with him and he is overall personally a decent human being.


Two wrongs, don’t make right.  They are just you know.. two wrongs.  Stop making excuses for our parties shitty behavior just because the other party engages in shitty behavior. We are supposed to be better then that. 

I’m a democrat, and I feel ashamed of how political the party can be sometimes.  I hereby demand that all members of my party stop being political and just be real or the universe will wag its finger at you all repeatedly and think less of you.

If the allegations are true, then its pretty bad. Still I have to point out that..

Even if the accused is someone we don’t like.
Even if the accused is someone you would love to see nailed to the wall.
Even if the credibility of the accused is questionable at best.

Our system of justice says “They are still legally

You know, people act like not smiling in photographs in order to appear more serious is a new thing. It’s so is not.

Look at these serious old timey white folk:

Eh, its ok on him. It’s his brand and he makes awesome content so I’m going to give him a pass.

Might be time to change that whole no term limits thing.

If I had access to the ancient DBZ dragonballs to summon the great DBZ dragon whocould grant me one mega wish and one mega wish only: the power to alter the universe in such a way that when the clock struck 12 midnight, the US constitution would magically have

This is the opposite of how you increase economic growth from tourism. Turn canadian tourists away at the border for admitting to using something while illegal in most of america was used:

In the past
and legal in the place where they enjoyed the product

The majority of NYS clueless voters live in the NYC area. You people suck. Upstate NY hates you for not being willing to share your bounty of population and economic growth with the rest of the state. That makes you downstaters all selfish assholes.

Mario’s problem is the same as his Son Andy’s . You can litterally overstay your welcome.

He doesn’t really.  Do you know his name? No?  Yeah Cuomo has this

Nah, fuck shit up.  It’s more fun

There are no trumps runnning 

It’s not that great of a city honestly.  

Well said.

He’s got an annoying voice.

He’s incredibly unlikabe and much of his progressive agenda isn’t authentic, it’s just pandering. If the polls said he needed to be in favor of arming every man, woman and child with an AR-15 he would do it.

I’m so disappointed in central and western upstate ny Democrats right now.

The huge ego of your average celebrity won’t permit them to pay their dues and begin humbly in their new chosen crossover career path of public service. Because they incorrectly assume they are too big to lower themselves to serving a small community, even if in reality that is where public service has its largest

While I can respect what Colin Kaepernick was trying to do, going after the national anthem and the flag is misplaced.


The police (with exception of the ATF and FBI which FYI don’t do routine traffic stops) are managed and funded by state and local governments. The federal government, has zero to do with the