I’ve come to the conclusion that all of splinternews boils down to grown ass adults pointlessly complaining about shit beyond their control.
I’ve come to the conclusion that all of splinternews boils down to grown ass adults pointlessly complaining about shit beyond their control.
yeah because who wants to bother with writing you know, well written articles that have actual useful information, or have ethics, or integrity when you can earn a living generating clickbait and trolling people.
If HamNo starts selling nutritional supplements and taint wipes can we start calling him the Alex Jones of…
Maybe they should have showed up during the primary and voted for someone more progressive then, or fielded a candidate who was more charismatic then Hillary, “it’s my turn” Clinton
Yes because the GOP controlled congress durring the first two years of Obama’s presidency when the ACA passed just fine without a single republican vote.
And if they really were threatening to fillibuster, Hairy Reid just had to threaten to implement a rules change and go to 51 votes and the party could have played…
Yep, he’s a pure douchenozzle
splinternews, the place where common ground is rejected by its holier then thou acolytes because unless you agree 100% with ALL of the tenants of “the agenda”, then you are to be branded a mealy-mouthed heretic because why gain even more allies by finding common ground on some issues that you care about when you can…
No smart Alec comeback after my follow up remarks exposed your remarks as an irrational rush to judgement?
Yep, and yet democrats demonize Nixon because, wah some campaign operatives broke into our office and Nixon tried to cover it up.
What I find more troubling is a mental health services professional willfully and knowingly violating HIPPA and confidentiality laws by sharing this story to publish a book for profit, and that people are ok with ignoring that fact because it allegedly has provided dirt on Trump.
On a scale from 1 being “meh” to 10 being “this is the biggest story ever”.
I’m center-left, or as you might wish to call me, the devil because I’m a *gasp* moderate democrat.
I grew up working poor, and I’ve worked for everything I’ve had to achieve in my life and yet my wife and I still struggle and live paycheck to paycheck with both of us working full time jobs. I’m what you would call,…
Is this blog not owned by a media company? Univision correct?
Be the change then. Cover these kinds of stories as actual reported news. Even here instead of making the story about these poor kids gettings shot, you made the story about the media not covering the story.
So.. cover them. Don’t complain about CNN, NBC,…
I would have thought it more effective if the democrats just refused to attend the hearings in protest. I mean I know this is a totally monday morning quarterback thing to say but... That’s how I would have done it if I were them.
I heard on Siriusxm POTUS channel this morning that the the republicans are not planning on fielding a candidate against her in the general election.
Yay, democracy, I guess?
It comes off as weak and desperate. Republicans can smell blood in the water.
Or you know, you could just try to improve your own lot in life and not worry about what other people are doing with theirs.
I know, its not as much fun as being an envious asshole who covets other people’s stuff because you think the key to happiness is having stuff. Hint: It’s not.
How do you know that is what she was doing? That hand gesture can also be 100% mundane and benign. It’s not like a fucking hitler salute where you can’t mistake it for anything else... so tell me ...
Seriously.. I’m supposed to just take your and fucking Keith R. Dumas word for it?
I mean unless she has…
If that was a joke. It sucked.
If you were serious. What a totally idiotic thing to say. Assigning value to someone (or removing it) based on their name is as stupid as doing it based on any other intangible attribute, like race, color, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation. You are prejudiced against people…
true, blame russia, blame the media... but the fact remains, that hillary clinton should have beat Trump by a country mile.. the man was caught on tape saying “grab them by the p”, it should have not been that fucking close... but you know...why spend anytime in those reliable blue great lakes and midwestern states, I…
There is no hope.