
It’s like they are just really bad at this. If you don’t have the no votes, you are not going to debate your way into getting the no votes you need.

Instead of posturing on the floor of the senate, they should be trying to make some backroom deals with moderate republican senators who are safe from a primary challenge

Neil Gorsuch won confirmation with a 54-45 vote. So yes, some democrats had to have voted for him. I’m pretty sure there will be a few red state dems who follow suit this time. Gillibrand had claimed their was no democrats who voted for the G man. Democrats are not supposed to get historical facts wrong.  Disgraciada!

He will be confirmed. He has the votes. Everyone knows he has the votes, even the the democrats who don’t support him know he has the votes.

It’s wasted effort to protest something you can’t affect change on. Sorry. That’s just bullshit virtue signaling.

A more productive and impactful protest then a multi-day bitch

My .02 cents.

1. If the right had basically chosen to ignore Kaepernick’s protest in the first place it would have had zero power, and it would have been yesterday’s news before not too long. He became important because they complained about it and in so doing drew attention to it.

However the political pundits on the

Better question. Why is this even a valid news story? Hey guys, did you know someone who identifies with the right, burned nikes to make a political statement about nike’s support of Kapernick, aren’t they silly? Yes, and your silly for bringing it to our attention and assuming we should even give a half a flying

Just as the military should be accountable to and under the control of the elected civilian leadership (the president), so too is the DOJ.

They are not an independant island that is permitted to do whatever they want at their own prosecutorial discretion. They are and always have been an extension of the executive

I really dont have a problem with it. It’s an audit. A valid ssn and card is required to open a bank account in the United States.  That’s federal law.  Even at credit unions.  

Gay frogs everywhere cheer.

Yeah, because feudalism was so much fucking better for people.

At least this way some people have a shot at going from poor to the middle class.. and middle class to wealthy..

Prior.. you were either a dirt poor serf your entire life because you weren’t born of nobility as were your ancestors and so as your

Especially when your boss is petty narcissist, its really not in your best interest not to piss the boss off.

Just imagine the resources the intelligence community could have gotten if they had said “Fuck, we have a new boss, better not piss him off. He’s crazy, but fuck I have a pension to preserve. Yeah, we don’t see

Alcohol is legal for purchase in all 50 US states and yet Moonshining is still a billion dollar a year illegal criminal enterprise just because people will do just about anything to save a buck or two on their favorite vice by not having to pay sales/luxury taxes on it.

Is it as big a market as if alcohol prohibition

Do you want to feel good about your principals or do you want to fucking win?

And I will not go fuck myself.  I’m 100% right on  this.

I’m not defending Joe, but our side can’t use “citation needed” everytime we don’t want to bother refuting a claim.  It’s lazy.

Dude, you shouldn’t be insulting people who are trying to engage you in conversation.

Here is a thought. If you don’t want your protest movement to be an easy target for dismissal by the Fox News pundit crowd, you run a tight fucking ship and you make sure nobody fucks things up even a tiny bit for your group. Anyone who breaks a window or does anything at all that the other side can use to damage

Better idea. Don’t use wireless earbuds because they look ridiculous.


The real question people need to ask is:

If tomorrow you found out that Albert Einstein had been secretly a serial killer, would it make his work on General Relativity and Special Relativity any less important or groundbreaking to modern physics?

Would we throw out Maxwell’s Equations if we found out James Clark Maxwell

No offense, but these men were exposed for their misconduct, and since (presumably) it didn’t rise to the level of criminal misconduct, they are free to stage a career comeback anytime after being outed. It could be 1 day after, it could be a year after, it could be five years after.

What determines the duration

Well, seeing as so many people blame shootings on guns and not on the assholes who made the choice to hurt people, I’m not sure how its any worse or better.

He saved the ACA from Trump’s repeal effort. Maybe you don’t think that is a big deal, but I do.