Yes, fuck those people.
Yes, fuck those people.
Because people are idiots.
He saved the ACA from repeal. Millions of people still have healthcare because he stood up to Trump and his own political party. He single handedly saved Obama’s legacy when he could have pussed out and voted yes which he had enormous pressure on him to do. So yeah, yes it does. Please now do kindly find someplace to…
He saved the ACA from repeal with a thumbs down vote. Millions of people still have healthcare because of it.
“It doesn’t remove/absolve everything else he voted yes too.”
McCain saved the ACA. Period. Full stop. If you have insurance purchased through the exchange or medicaid.. you can thank John McCain.
While I can see why the Trumper’s might be pissed (or secretly relieved even as they claim they are pissed).
If you are in the center or center left, or even just on the left.. the fact…
Thank you for saying this!
Year the republican party was created: 1854
Well fuck don’t hold back, tell us how you really feel.
I don’t think we should arm teachers. But I would be ok with highly trained, and visible armed security force in schools. Either with a visible presence all the time, or with a very rapid response capability (hanging out in a ultra secure room with security cameras on site and ready to pounce in the event of an…
You could argue that, and you would be correct, but they would say “Dude, don’t poke holes in my racism and xenophobia, your like.. a total buzzkill. You just harshed my racist mellow. How am I going to enjoy my painting with Hitler DVD now? Fuck you dude. Hitler is my boy.”
Yeah. I know, racists usually sound more…
First I would like to say, what the fuck What in the actual fuck would posses anyone to hurt their wife and kids. What an evil son of a motherless goat. . What that (pardon my french) asshole did to his pregnant wife and kids is truly evil and unforgivable. If he is proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt in court,…
Did you purposely put together that entire post just so you could use the term “white, Cis male”?
Idris Elba is a great actor with great acting chops and he would make for an entertaining and amazing James Bond. He is an amazing British actor and if people could get past their boner or anti-boners about: (“*gasp* a black man playing Bond?”) and just realize, he would be a great bit of casting even you take the…
What about civil war cemeteries?
HamNo.. HamNo.. HamNo.. can we have a little chat? Here, let me pour you a glass of bourbon. Have a seat? Comfy? Good. Ready to hear me out now?
Yep. Be it republican or democrat, it’s still total and complete bulllshit.
What? Suggesting the privileged actually earn their way and pay their dues? That’s crazy poor little people talk, the elites will have none of that nonsense. Don’t you know their poop doesn’t even stink. How dare you sir, how dare you.
There was a time when people did the decent and proper thing when their family was rich and powerful which was to change their name, disavow their family and join the circus to sell popcorn in the stands to fans.
I can’t speak for other folks. I just like shit talking HamNo because he excels at being a perfect almost lifelike model of pretentious douche canoe.
you really phoned this one in didn’t you?