
Have you not read any of the articles by HamNo on here? The dude literally believes that anyone who supports free market capitalism should be poisoned, then shot, then re-animated as a sentient zombie, chained to a table  and forced to listen to justin bieber albums for the rest of eternity.  

Honestly, I feel like Musk is a great idea guy, who as an idea guy I have great respect for him. He single handedly proved you could make a commercially viable and exciting sports car that is all electric. He made EV vehicles sexy.

I also admire his work with space X and hyperloop and improving battery technology. We

My first semester I had one class that met 5 days a week at 8 am, and because I was coming from a lifetime of class starting at 8 am for my K-12 public school life, I thought this was ok.

It was so not ok.

Being a computer science major means a lot of time you are spending time on programing projects assigned usually

The mental gymnastics one must do to equally support the profession of sex work in all its forms which at its core literally promotes the patriarchal objectification of women as sex objects for men’s pleasure while at the same time condemning the patriarchal objectification of women as sex objects for men’s pleasure

Obama has a better speech writing staff, in that you know, he actually uses one where as Trump shits things out of his brain.

Everyone is the hero of their own story in their mind. Trump takes that pathology to another level.. which why anyone on here is surprised about is beyond me because he pretty much came out of the womb saying “its great to be born, my mother, lovely woman, it must be such an honor to have carried me for nine months in

Everyone is so hung up over the words other people say.   Actions matter more then words.  If all Trump ever did was post racist tweets, I could give two shits.  His policies are what we should be going after.  

My iPhone’s autocorrect feature picked the wrong version of the word. My purpose was to mock a pretentious douche who expects everyone to believe he care about anything beyond getting page clicks and his next paycheck. Should I have proofread my post? Maybe if I cared enough to care what other people think, which I

I am sorry that my iPhone’s autocorrect feature disturbs you so. Could I have taken more time to proofread my post? Perhaps, if I actually cared enough to care, which I don’t so I won’t.   

I’m a fan of her work. My favorite film appearance of hers is in the first Blues Brothers movie. Blows me away everytime I watch that musical number/scene.

If we are ever to work towards a equal society where all people are considered equal regardless of their race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, then we need to start by changing how we talk/engage one another.

You speak of power dynamics being the reason why only those in within a majority group can seriously

A tape surfaced right before the election of him bragging about grabbing women by the ho0ha and you think a tape of him saying the N-word and R-word is going to make any bit of difference to his supporters?

Jack, relax, your going to give yourself a heart attack. Getting that worked up over a tweet seems a bit excessive. Maybe consider taking up yoga, drinking decaf. Getting a nice hot stone massage. Just... yeah.. your way too angry for being a privileged white male who gets to edit the content of clickbait websites for

Because Democrats suck at marketing

This whole article is a troll.


Seriously.   Big dippity do da.

I have two wonderful nephews, and two wonderful nieces. My love for them isn’t conditional based on what their politics are now, or what they will be in the future when they become adults.

I have family and friends who may not agree with me on everything. Some are Trump supporters. Some are centrist, some are part of

Oh humans. Most of us can only either see the good or the bad in something, but to be able to dispassionately and objectively see both sides at the same time? We suck at that. We suck even more at being able to take the best aspects of each system and throw those in a blender and make something even better or new.

400 white supremacists / 300 million (approximate) US citizens = 0.0000015% of the total approximate US population. In other words statistically non-existant.

Wow the streets are over flowing with nazi’s! Run for the hills!

15,000 a month to not do something? I’d be very ok with that. Can Trump pay me that much a month to not spill the beans about him?

For anyone not wanting to math that is 180.000 USD a year, to not do something.

And then, you can still work. Get like an IT job or something for another 80K a year. Your not doing too bad