How about no?
How about no?
You do know Cuomo is likely to get the party’s nomination again and win reelection in the general in the fall right? How about we not attack one of our own just because he isn’t in 100% lock step with your ideological purity tests for democrats.
Is this guy acting like an asshole in the video? Yep. Unquestionably a huge asshole. Doesn’t make what you are suggesting morally or ethically right. It is in fact quite morally wrong, and illegal. I wag my finger at you and say, be nice because being not nice, is not nice, and you should allways want to be be…
What relevance is it that this asshole was a patriots fan? What does this douche liking the patriots have anything to do with anything?
What’s next, a story about a racist asshole who likes Wendy’s frosties. Yeah, he likes frosties, its like guilt by association. Dont eat a frosty, you don’t want to be like that racist…
Hey, Anne. People are allowed to change their viewpoints and evolve. They are also permitted to reinvent themselves.
I’ve seen die hard conservatives become liberals. I’ve seen liberals become die hard conservatives.. and I’ve seen people on the left or right go centrist..
Flip flopping is permitted.
Does she actually…
I’m a center-left democrat, so what I’m about to say is going to probably piss off a lot (if not most) democrats here on kinja, particularly hard left democrats and social democrats.
Ready to have your blood boil and be furious with me, a moderate ?
We should reserve our judgment of Congressman Collins guilt or…
Yes, but I have to disagree with you on one point. HamNo is not a journalist, or a reporter. He doesn’t really report the news. He’s is a writer. He is a pundit.
But journalist ? Reporter? That is an insult to reporters and journalists.
Well.. they are.. you know.. judges...
I’m equally appalled and entertained by the brass balls on Judge Ellis.
I really think that if the local, state and federal government is too inept to indict and try a corrupt police officer involved in a malicious racially motivated homicide, that the international criminal court (the hague) should be allowed to come in and try these assholes.
It is true that when one group is in the majority and wields all of the social, political and economic power of a society, that it is impossible for the minority group to oppress the majority because it has minimal power. Oppression requires advantage and power. This is the nature of systematic societal racial…
Challenge Accepted!
I present to you congresswoman, Mia Love who represents Utah’s Fourth Congressional district. A young, attractive, black woman who also happens to be a republican and considered by many to be a rising star of the republican party.
Mind you she’s on Trump’s naughty list for continuing to speak out…
You do realize she’s latino, not white, correct?
This is why we need to outlaw private campaign finance and fund campaigns publicly. Because rich assholes should not be permitted to buy additional access and influence beyond what Joe and Jane Citzen have. Ever. Fuck the donor class.
One of the primary elements of tribalism is that all is permissible when it’s your team calling the shots and nothing is permissable when it’s the opposing team calling the shots.
Here’s my take on things.
Still.. I think the fact that ambulences are funded by patient payment and patient insurance is really stupid also. They are a public common good and should be funded by the community in which they serve like police and fire are because they are first responders.
Honestly I would extend that to ER rooms and…
I have long thought that EMTs/Ambulances/Paramedics should fall under the umbrella of public funding because like police and fire it’s a common good. If you want to start a private non profit volunteer EMT service, great, you still should be sending the bill to the community who should be paying for it in some way.
The presumption of innocence until proven guilty is a bedrock principle of modern law.