
I’m going to say that unless your c-suite executive bosses at Univision, the managerial / editorial staff for all the blogs formerly known as “Gawker media” and you donate all of your earnings above what you average lower paid employee earns to a pool of money for bonuses for all your employees or towards paying

No, they are being poop heads and we are right to call them out on their poop headery.

Do we actually have a multi-party democracy?


Does the media give democrats and republicans an unfair advantage with regards to preferential front runner coverage of their campaigns, and conventions that 3rd parties do not enjoy?


Does the media also give front runners in primary campaigns within party runoffs

People can get behind the idea of a robust denmark style social safety net. Healthcare, college education, even universal basic income... but dismantle capitalism ? Good luck getting American’s to think that is ok. Even China, has embraced capitalism. Heck even Cuba has embraced some free market reforms.

And Denmark

Nixon has been similarly tentative elsewhere. When Vice asked her if she was a democratic socialist in a recent interview, she replied, “It’s a label I’ve never pinned on myself before, but their values are my values,” adding, “I don’t line up with 100% every single policy.”

Yes, it was America who created Trump, it was America’s media that gave this man a platform, and yes it was America who elected Trump to our nation’s highest office..

Stil, with all due respect, America isn’t a singular entity. It is a diverse melting pot of different peoples and cultures and beliefs. No not everyone

Assuming that Muller does indeed presents evidence to the DOJ that proves beyond a reasonable doubt that Trump did some shady election shenanigans with Russia rather then nailing him on a less compelling “process crime” like obstruction of justice, or lying under oath to investigators.

Assuming that democrats take the

The mere fact that we even need a law to explicitly prohibit something that should be common ethical/moral good common sense is upsetting to me.

white progressives? I prefer to call them Seattle’s finest hipster non fat latte progressives

“I don’t like moderates because they are slowing us down, they get in our way.”

You want it all easy? Smooth sailing? No bumps in the road? No incremental progress? Y0u want it all just handed to you without having to work for it. Nothing worth doing should be easy and anyone who complains about moderates should be

What if we crowdfunded it?

> the author readily admits, they are not interested in anything but their own POV.

Politicians on the left and the right both kiss the brass ring of the AG lobby.

It’s pretty obvious why. Iowa

Iowa is the first state to hold presidential primaries. It’s primary industry is AG.

Maybe its time for Iowa to not be the first presidential primary state.


Ask the salty waitress, aka, ask a tip shamer.

I tip generously and yet I still think tip shaming is a bit rude.

We all have that one friend who goes out to dinner with you in a group of friends who looks over everyone’s shoulder after the checks have come back (because separate checks), and yells at that one other

Actual federal security clearance is very expensive to obtain. I don’t know what it costs now but I have a friend who worked for a well known defense contractor in the late 90's and the going price was $100k. It’s not cheap.

It involves a through background check, a look into your financial/credit history. They also

Two words. Eminent domain. The NZ government can file for E.D. for a strip of land through his ranch to create a public access trail.

If shady real estate developers can do it to push poor and middle class people out of their family homes to build shopping malls and parking lots, surely the NZ government can do it for

When people falsely accuse someone of racism, rape, or sexual harassment, etc. It really does have a damaging effect on the ability of real victims to come forward and be viewed credibly.

This is also why unfortunately despite the fact that a very small percentage of people who report these things are false accusers,

I have always found Roe v. Wade suspect from the point of view of the fact that progressive politicians in the last 45 years have done nothing beyond that court ruling to preserve what was decided by it.

I mean, why didn’t congress or the states get together to create a constitutional amendment codifying it?
