free craig

Thank you Muwarr90, just raising the question. I was not born in the U.S. And discussing this makes me think a little more clearly.

I mean Jon!

You can tell I don't watch late nite TV, or have cable! John Oliver is once a week, and though successful, there's a certain je ne sais quoi….oh I guess I'll just miss John so much and I have to get over it.

No it doesn't bother me, thanks for taking a negative tone, and projecting ignorance on to me.

I disagree, that only works for initially, here and there. When you make fun of things on society as a member of it, it is more accepted than when outsider makes fun of you. At this point I'm going to have to trust John's judgment.

Can someone who looks at America from the outside replace someone who knows and loves it so well?