
Trump is greedily rubbing his hands together and drooling preparing to “Grab Kim by the p***y.” By his Trump’s own admission; he LOVES cuckolding other men by sleeping with their wives. Kim wants Alice Marie Johnson pardoned and released from prison. I can hear Trump saying, “You want Alice Johnson released from

Trump is greedily rubbing his hands together, preparing to “Grab her by the pussy.” By his Trump’s own admission; he LOVES cuckolding other men by sleeping with their wives. Kim wants Alice Marie Johnson pardoned and released from prison. I can hear Trump will saying, “You do something for me and I’ll do something


I don’t know how this started but What a “Punk-Ass Bitch” going after females. Biiiiiiiiigggggggg Maaaaaaaaannnnnn ... All Mouth; like some sorta ‘Racist Fred Flintstone’ Loud mouthing other people. Somehow I don’t think he would have popped off at the mouth if it was a Black MAN who was the same size as he was to

Well Said! ... Well Said! ...

Actually, the Nazi CAN explain why he hates black people; because he was taught, socialized and GIVEN PERMISSION TO DO SO!

As much as you might believe the words of the Christ or the Buddha being the best and only way to respond to racial hatred, you must understand; Nazism is NOT some “half-baked” ideology of white malcontents.

This Proves My Point Again! Blind racism is the stepchild of Extreme Fear and paranoia! It’s ugliness manifests itself inside the mind; then metastasizes outward to the body and then to the community at large! One look at a diseased bigot and you can basically see a “Living Disease” trying to spread itself outward to

James Blake has a family also. But that aside; I don’t give a shit about your family and going home to them ... WE ALL HAVE FAMILIES and WE ALL want to go home to THEM, too! ... But I guess that’s not really important to Poor Mr. Policeman!

I would LOVE to hear Pink Floyd order Eric Clapton perform this!

I’m from Staten Island and I can tell you for a fact; he’s definitely one of those racist assholes! Part of the problem is; Staten Islanders DON’T understand the world outside of Staten Island! A LOT of Staten Islanders are STILL LIVING in the 1950's and can’t understand why everyone else is not! The MAIN PROBLEM is

True that! The Southerners are so disingenuous and FOS it makes you want to punch them in the face! You talk to one and hear him bragging how “... he has lots of Black friends...!” and then complains about ‘Black Lives Matter’ Activists “ ... Stirrin’ up trouble !” When they protest police abuse or Civil War statues

Whatever happened to the officer returning to his police car and waiting for the other police to show up? I’ll go one better; why did the cop feel the need to call for backup at a simple speeding car?

Very astute Mr. Harriet; but you forgot to put forth the most important word which sums up all you’ve postulated; and that word is ... FEAR! The original Greek “Phobos” which means “Fear”; which also gives rise to the word “Phobia” defined in today’s lexicon as “An irrational fear of [Take your pick of anything you

Very astute Mr. Harriet; but you forgot to put forth the most important word which sums up all you’ve postulated; and that word is ... FEAR! The original Greek “Phobos” which is means “Fear”; which also gives rise to the word “Phobia” defined in today’s lexicon as “An irrational fear of [Take your pick of anything you

I’m sorry but I have to disagree. There is no “Winning the Hearts and Minds” of the virulent, fringe-minded deplorables of this country.

Unfortunately, this is the EXACT SAME behavior of the GOP leadership when it comes to meeting the needs of this nation’s people!

Simple; look at the example our present governmental leadership has set. The words “Inhumane” and “Cruel” used in this articles title describe and fit this nation’s leadership perfectly!

For all the commentators wondering how such an atrocious event can occur; the reason is because the teenage brain is still forming. There are obvious deficits in their development of empathy and other psycho-social landmarks yet to be achieved.

In my opinion, it isn’t the color of skin which is more alluring to black men; it’s the perception that white women from their own white culture, come with less emotional dysfunction than their counterparts of color. The elephant in the room is the reality that emotional, psychological maladies and disorders are