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    “Saying Stephen A is a journalist is like saying Sean Hannity or the Fox and friends people are journalists.”

    Ha! This nigga jealous of Stephen’s wealth and success. I mean Smith obviously, not that loser Cockitt Jr.

    Ha! This nigga jealous of Stephen’s wealth and success. I mean Smith obviously, not that loser Cockitt Jr. You go suck a veiny cock for some crack nigga, Smith can afford white man’s cocaine.

    You gotta hard on for the black bitch?

    Sweet. We got 4 blacks! Look at our African Americans!

    I think he’s about to get a new voicemail from some unhinged black bitch.

    Massa Spanfeller tells these Root niggas what to say.

    Friend? Smith is a winner so he’d obviously rather hang with whitey than some dumb black bitch. he got that ESPN money which you niggas here on the Root were celebrating just a month ago.

    Well, you’ve got us there. Blacks have accomplished almost nothing. They usually suck at almost everything except playing sports. You win this round!

    What the fuck is the point of this bullshit? These two niggas fucking or something?

    Yup. Sane people saw Greta’s unhinged speech at the UN and thought what the fuck is wrong with this chick? Libtards on the other hand so a their new leader. Can’t blame them. Teenagers are smarter than most Democrats. Greta is definitely smarter than that moron AOC.

    Yeah, but Obama is black so she had to fuck twice as hard to be First Lady! And fucking Barry in the ass aint easy!

    Who wouldn’t be? Greta’s clearly an insane nutjob. Nobody in Sweden gives a fuck about her so she spends all her time in North America.

    That’s the best part. These morons want us to take kids seriously, but apparently not serious enough to actually criticize them. Apparently, when a 4 year old says something, libtards expect applause. Anyway how fucking stupid are your their positions if even a teenager can spout them?

    That’s the best part. These morons want us to take kids seriously, but apparently not serious enough to actually criticize the bullshit they spout. Apparently, when a 4 year old says something, libtards expect you to implement that immediately.

    Greta is Swedish. You dont want to know what she thinks of blacks. Ask her something about Africans, go ahead.

    Commies dont like niggas?

    Reminder that Mehdi Hasan is an Islamist shitstain. Ask him about Hamas or any terrorist group then just sit back and enjoy the gymnastics.

    Woah, I had no idea Harriot was subject to decades of domestic abuse. That explains why he such a fucking brain damaged moron.