
Kanye talks like Super Mario & threatens his employees, Musk roleplays as a Child, while Orange Man acts literally like a child. These are rich, famous, and powerful people in the world? WTF? Is there a humanity do over button yet?

At least Trump is old and will - barring tragedy - die before I do. So I’ll at least have some years left of not hearing much about that insufferable sack of actual shit.

2 people I wish I never had to hear about or from again:

Not factory and not a car, but still...

Oooh, imagine a Varsha/Buxton/Jenson Button commentary team.

SyFy, you assholes, you picked the wrong one!

Guess that means chocolate protein pudding day is cancelled.

Godsdamnit, son of a whore! I decided to get all caught up on Dark Matter right before season 3 premiered. And this season was really good, too. Especially with the obligatory comedy episode.

Well, that’s stupid. Dark Matter is the show that’s actually interesting and good. Killjoys is nonsense.

DM doing the contemporary Earth trope was fun. It also has superior character development compared to KJ.

And Dark Matter ended on a cliffhanger!

I mean I’ll watch Killjoys if I’m caught up on all my other shows and nothing else is on, but... Dark Matter is so consistently better.

Noooo! Not Dark Matter.
That’ll teach me to like a show.

Honestly it was at first a “there no Star Trek show but this seems a close second” to a show that grew on me and you really rooted for these guys.

Damn it! I couldn’t get into Killjoys, but I loved Dark Matter. Thankfully, The Expanse is unlikely to get the axe.

read an aside from one of the people who work on the show, the accnts dept call it ‘The Expense’

WTF? Dark Matter is awesome. Fuck syfy

Boobs boobs boobs :(

I’m glad that Killjoys fans are going to get more of their show, hopefully this “green” storyline with the progenitor of the main character goes somewhere great and they’re able to rebuild the Killjoy ranks...

Wow, what a shock. Matter was far superior to Killjoys. Better characters & setting. Killjoys is just too weird.

I swear it seems like if I enjoy a show and look forward to seeing more a sign pops up at the network exec club that says “ Cancel this one!”. I’m now headed out to beat my head against a wall in the garage for a while.