
He was trying to break Rand’s spine but couldn’t find one.

Damn. I feel bad for R Paul... his views may be shitty but being attacked on your own property and having your ribs broken? That’s horrible. We all know this story is going to circulate like crazy (and make us common sense liberals look cray) and yeah it pisses me off but what happened to R Paul was fucked up, if

Confession: One of my many great failings in life - perhaps the greatest - is my utter inability to GM. It’s harder than it looks and I fear I have driven people away from the hobby by my incompetence in that area.

Instead of retreading and inevitably being compared to Jackson’s film adaptation, they should go after The Silmarillion. There are many, many seasons worth of stuff to work with there. ;-)

i love the LOTR books and have read the trilogy at least 10 times but whnevr i get to one of Tom’s dittys, i just roll my eyes and turn a few pages to the last verse.

I’d much rather they did The Silmarillion, which would benefit from the breathing space.

Too soon. Way way too soon. Wait until the PJ movies look dated, so give it another 15 years minimum.


tldr because it wouldn’t produce the amount of money over a long period of time like shark cards would

I thought the movie was about one of these:

My 7 and 8 year old sons would probably love this movie if their habit of mindlessly watching other kids play video games on YouTube is any indication...


I’m firmly in the skeptical camp, when it comes to the paranormal. That said, I love a well-crafted hoax, and ghost stories... local lore, that sort of shit. I was born on Hallowe’en, so it’s dear to my heart. Belief in ghosts was one of my last things to go.

If this is real, it’s footage from the most oddly-placed security camera in history. Who puts a security camera at eye level several inches out from a corridor wall?

Ok, here goes. Writing this out makes me want to barf. 

Because the screenwriter didn’t intend for him to be a replicant. Scott of 1982 didn’t intend for him to be a replicant (or at least didn’t think about it until the unicorn from another movie was inserted in the Directors Cut). The themes of the movie start falling apart if he is (where the robots are more human than

My understanding of replicants is that they are for all intents and purposes human with all the human attributes, which is why they bleed and drink and have sex. It honestly shouldn’t be a surprise the could breed unless they deliberately altered them so they could not. That Rachel could makes sense given she was a

Hailcat ??