
And even if you go back and watch older episodes you see a VASTLY different way they police compared to now. I mean there’s that classic episode where they come up to a guy with a knife walking along the highway and eventually like 9 cops tackle him and get knife and arrest him. NOT A SINGLE SHOT FIRED! Whereas now

I think smartphones with cameras and social media are the biggest factors. Before those, Cops was about the closest thing that sheltered white people (including me) got to seeing “real” police work.

Is there any legal way to eliminate the police as we currently endure them, and replace them with a proper constabulary of decent people, well trained and compassionate to other human beings? Because, as it is now, frankly, the blue line is dark burgandy from all of the blood of the innocent.

Points. “I thought the fetus could be the next Hitler! I feared for my life!”

Abortion doctors should steal it any time someone gives them shit. We’ve all see The Omen.

You forgot to add in where cops nationwide defend this while they get all sanctimonious about how they’re the thin blue line and no one can possibly understand the stress the job puts them through, so people need to cut them some slack when they gun down a deaf man with a metal cane.

Judge: “Sgt. Barnes, what justification do you offer for why you shot and killed a deaf man with developmental disabilities who was carrying a metal walking stick?”

Go up to man with stick. Claim you’re scared of stick. Kill man. Enjoy paid vacation. Claim murdered man was “no angel”. Collect extra overtime quelling the protests after you’re cleared of any wrong doing.

This is the DEFINITION of splitting hairs.

It succeeded where Dark Tower didn’t because Dark Tower was bad and It was good. /shrug

Well, you’re right about the prejudice, but the evolution of the word’s usage was the other way around, at least in English. “Dumb” literally means silent, mute (as in dumbstruck or dumbwaiter), and it came to be a slang term for “stupid” due to the prejudice you talk about, the assumption that lack of speech meant

He knows.

On the set of Ride Along a friend of mine got punched by Ice Cube. It was just supposed to look like a knock out but he connected really hard. He’s a stunt man (seen in the beginning of the movie) but Ice Cube bought him a bottle of liquor (I think it was Scotch) to make up for it and signed it “Damn you can take a

“Yeah, I crashed the plane. The ground was where it shouldn’t have been!”

“I punched Ryan Gosling in the face,” Ford said. “Ryan Gosling’s face was where it should not have been.”

“He’s lucky I didn’t land a plane on his fucking house!”

This just makes me love Harrison Ford even more.

Ben and jerry’s for life.

I dunno. Charlie Cox seems to do a fine job if it just staring off into the middle distance. Maybe Leto could learn a little something from his just-not-looking-in-peoples-faces school of blind acting?

How long before this religion dies off? Like they couldn’t possibly be recruiting at the rate they need to sustain themselves much longer right?