Alex Spiva

That Ganon is perfect. Just perfect

Seems to me there’s 2 options:

As a lifelong Liverpool fan, I’m enjoying this more than just about anything since, oh, 1990.

Given the logic of how this injury occurred, Tim Tebow should be reduced to a bubbling glob of jelly by now.

Driver went full mustang. You never go full mustang.

“I’m all for freedom of speech, but these black guys are speaking in a way that makes me feel bad and guilty, and I don’t like feeling like that. Easiest solution is to shame them for speaking out.”

That’s football. Big people run into each other at high speeds.

Love the immediate “hey that’s fair footbaw!” defensiveness from the commentator. Lay that hit on Braydayyyyy and see how fast you get suspended

End the war, my ass. He pulls it off and suddenly you’ve got a rampaging dragon laying waste to the entire region, which includes King’s Landing. Killing Dani right there would’ve been the worst possible thing he could’ve done.

I heard a theory on sports talk this morning that the Ravens are putting up the trial balloon to get all the outrage from Dundalk and such out of the way and inoculate them should Flacco be hurt for more than a week and they actually need to, you know, go and sign him.

People who prefer the PS2's “quality” visuals are the same people who think VHS offers an experience you can’t get with Blu-ray and that the distortion and low fidelity fuzzing sounds on ancient LP’s are better than than crystal clear audio where you can hear all the instruments.

Batman’s real super power is embezzlement.

Here come the O’s with just enough good play to make sure they are not going to make any real change to the roster for the long haul. Then back to being shitty after the trade deadline. Book it.

I can’t even play the video without my PC losing its mind.

I look forward to the Red Sox reacting to this in a very level-headed way.

I had to think for a second before realizing that their are two separate horrible sportspeople named Matt Barnes.

So sliding directly into the base with your spikes down and then having the foot pop up naturally from the impact with the base and then the spikes hitting the leg of the second baseman (who said he doesn’t have a problem with the play) is intentional?

It’s clear as day it was unintentional but some Boston fans, predisposed to their persecution complex, seem to take one still frame and one bad weekend against Oakland as “proof” otherwise.

Try that with any U.S. airline and eat for $250/day.