Alex Spiva

How does Dana White still manage to be a bald dipshit ALL THE TIME?

This makes me wonder why some studios (especially Rockstar who’s not always constrained by a ship date) don’t just take an extra 6 months like this gent and make a truly gorgeous game.

Joel Embiid was nominated for rookie of the year despite the fact this dude got drafted to the NBA in 2014

How? How in 5 seconds do you put several rounds into a human being when he simply tells you he has a firearm on him? Castile the whole time was being courteous and doing everything the cop asked him without being fidgety or anything. Just for a fucking brake light... 

Another reason is they look like the “cool” basketball shoes every kid wore from a decade ago

Now you have to update it with Seth Smith’s walk off walk. What a night.

As an O’s fan, the Red Sox and their fans need to get a fucking grip.

You’re dumb.

I just got banned from gamestop for putting zelda in my mouth. Thanks, Kotaku.

They didn’t exactly have a really high bar to go for

Honestly, I ain’t even mad about about this game. 3 months ago this wasn’t even remotely possible.

I feel like he didn’t jump on the tip off because if he did his knees would just snap. Looks like a damned tree

Me and my Caps fans buddies think this year is gonna be the year. Then we remember how every playoffs season has gone and we grab a beer and cry together

All I have to say is I hate Dax Shepard

So once again I ask: HOW DO I CLEAN MY EARS AT MY OWN HOUSE THEN??!!Go to the doctor EVERY time I wish to get gunk out of my ears? That’s like 2-3 times a week for me.

It’s definitely those famous teeth

“10 minute penalty? Pssh sounds excessive.”

Feel free to correct me but he did not signal a fair catch so did Everett actually do anything “illegal?” Looked like fair game to me.

Eerily Hannibal-esque

This is scarier than the anime and probably the movie. That was nightmare fuel