And not to mention the dividends you get every quarter. If you’re rich (say a few millions in cash), you can easily live on the dividends alone, plus you’re taxed at a lower rate for capital gains.
And not to mention the dividends you get every quarter. If you’re rich (say a few millions in cash), you can easily live on the dividends alone, plus you’re taxed at a lower rate for capital gains.
CRV Hybrid Touring starts at $36k. RAV-4 Limited Hybrid starts at $37k. In the ballpark and competitive for an all-electric CUV.
Have you look at prices for CRVs and RAV-4s, vehicles that compete with this VW? The top models range from $35k to $40k, so the ID4 is exactly where it should be. I’m not sure what you expect, but there are still costs to engineer and manufacture a vehicle. VW is probably not making a profit on these vehicles…
Please look up the “Vanguard Dividend Appreciation ETF” and let me know if you think your cash sitting in the bank, or using it to buy a vehicle, is a better investment this. ETF or INDEX FUNDS, particularly from Vanguard, are some of the best investment products you can buy.
An EV is not an “everyman” vehicle. Considering that the average price for a new vehicle is about $35k, this seems very reasonable.
First Jeeps, and now Euro-David is tinking with first gen Touaregs with the grenade air suspension. David’s fetish for automotive torture knows no bounds.
I like it, but only if it had the Euro-styled plates. Please do a photoshop to see what it would look like with American plates.
Also, I my experience, anyone in Vietnam that can afford an automobile (from Honda Accord and up) can afford a full time driver
I love the smug people in flyover country who proclaims superiority because their 3 acre, 5-bedroom home costs as much as a shack in a coastal city, particularly California. The simplest retort is that housing prices is simply a function of supply and demand. If the demand for NYC or SF housing lowers, the price will…
According to wiki, it was a Cadillac nameplate, but could’ve been an Olds too. Catera is an option, but the previous Catera was a forgettable vehicle.
They should definitely go back to the names, with the S being equivalent to S in Audi and M-sport in BWM, and the V being equivalent to RS and M, respectively.
Should be:
What happened to crack pipe? Are we losing the crackhead demo and want to be more inclusive?!?
I’ve used mobile tire installers before and it was a mess. They incorrectly installed the tires, causing damage to the bead and I had to replace the tire. When I called them to complain, they wanted “proof” that they damaged the bead during installation, which was impossible for me to prove. I had a tire shop take a…
I generally like Jeep’s design language, but this one seems off. Proportion is too tall, sides have mix of square and swoopy shapes. New GM SUVs look better, as well as the Navi, Range Rovers, BMW, Merc, or any other large and expensive SUVs.
When you think about it, that “new car smell” is just toxic hydrocarbons emanating from plastics, foam, and leather/leather-like materials. It probably takes a backseat to the untold amount of radiation from WiFi and cellular 4g/5g services as contributing to our decay. Happy Monday!
These are now the default small cheap vehicles, a bold new generation to replace the Cavaliers, Neons, and Escorts of the past.
This happened to me when I caught the “mountain biking bug”. I had a cheapo mountain bike that I started to ride harder trails in. Started with upgrading simple things like seats, grips, seat posts, clips, etc. Then it went to forks and derailleurs. In all, I probably spent $500-$600 to upgrade a $250 bike. Finally…
Disagree. This is like buying a Wrangler Rubicon with a “Off-Road Delete” package. This is what the CTR’s supposed to be: brash and animated. In person, it does look good and all the pieces feel like it’s supposed to be there.