Infrastructure improvements would go a long way to help curb vehicle accidents, and potentially pave a way forward for autonomous vehicles, particularly buses and share-ride vehicles.
Infrastructure improvements would go a long way to help curb vehicle accidents, and potentially pave a way forward for autonomous vehicles, particularly buses and share-ride vehicles.
I was at the lost-and-found area outside of LAX several years ago (my aunt left her laptop at security and I went to retrieve it). They had several cases of stuff that were confiscated out for display, and you had your usual assortments of knives and nunchucks. However, I was surprised how many ninja stars there were.…
For the 2nd poster, just get a Honda Insight for the commute. I would only get an electric car as a lease, but 40k miles a year to too high for leases.
The last two new vehicles I bought had loan rates of 0% and 2.5%, respectively. Both are 5-year loans. There’s literally no benefit to paying off the loan early, even if we had the spare cash.
You’re right, there’s something fishy about the math I quoted. I couldn’t find the right CPI metric. Bottom line, I think, is that car prices increase slower than the general inflation rate, and definitely much lower than other costs like healthcare, education, etc. Yes, new car prices are expensive relative to wages,…
Counterpoint: new vehicle prices have increased at roughly the same at inflation, while offering more features, are safer and generally more reliable.
Mud pits are only fun for children and hillbillies. 99% of the time, its purpose is a 5-star mosquito resort.
Noise, ground contamination (fluids, etc.), habitat for pests. I don’t really care if a neighbor’s yard is not as clean or mowed as short, but that’s not the case here. David is basically operating a mechanic shop out of his house.
I like reading Dave’s stories and think he’s a cool dude, but I would NOT want to live next to him. Aside from all the junky Jeeps littering the lawn, he’s been known to go “off-roading” in the backyard. No thanks.
If it’s all the same in terms of total cost, zero down would make the most sense. Use your trade-in cash to pay off the other debt.
Thanks for the info. Saw one in the wild at Yellowstone a few years back. Those M-Fers are gigantic.
One of my ex-wife and her beautiful new family.
This is an important point that most auto writers ignore because they are young and don’t have kids. A huge part of CUV popularity is their ease of ingress/egress because the seats are at hip height, instead of having to lower into them. Also, when you have a heavy car seat or squirming toddler, it’s much easier to…
Honda couldn’t see a fit for this vehicle in the US marketplace. They’ll need insight to better navigate, or pilot, through the times ahead.
Begs the question, why would you want to tow anything over 3k lbs with a short-wheelbase vehicle with off-road suspension? Its intended function is not really to tow anything huge, even if the motor and frame are up for it. Those clamoring to tow 7k lbs would be better served by a pickup or larger SUV.
The yellow exterior and brown interior looks kinda sweet. It looks like it’ll take a big chunk out of Cherokee/RAV4 sales.
The hoods lifted up at the front sides, near the headlamps, so that could very well be the problem, and the solutions that MB and BMW came up with. High performance means more complicated solutions, but at the cost of high maintenance and repair costs.
Based on the strain gage data, it was probably just cosmetic. But under sustained high speeds, especially if there are significant crosswinds, you could probably permanently deform it. I don’t think it would be a safety issue, however.
Fun story: when I was looking for GM in the early 00s, I worked in the “closure group”, i.e. hatches, hoods, trunks, and doors. We worked on the first generation Cadillacs with the “Art and Science” theme, and these were the first Cadillacs to be imported to Europe in a while. Apparently, the few users in Germany…