MV Majors

Smoking is a binary. There’s no way to “responsibly” smoke. If you don’t want lung cancer, don’t smoke. Taking loans is on a spectrum, from bad, irresponsible loans to good loans for the consumer.

That’s a terrible analogy. Taking loans responsibly is not like smoking at all. Not getting cancer from smoking is a function of genetics and good luck. Financial responsibility is all about education and choice.

Agree to disagree. The hypothetical kid was me, and I’ve always bought new cars, keep them for at least 10 years, and am doing well financially. 

That’s an unrealistic scenario. What do you tell the kid that just graduated college, got a good job, and need a car for the commute? He’s responsible with his money, has some school debt, and parents don’t have the cash to help him buy a new or used car outright. Walk to work? Scrap enough to buy a junky $1000 car?

Over by A LOT!

There’s a huge gulf between those that take bad loans to buy cars and someone that is debt-free and have a million dollars in cash in the bank (if you have a million dollar of cash in a bank, you’re stupid, but that’s a different topic).

Minivans only start to make sense when you have more than 2 kids. Otherwise, with two kids only, you can do with a small to medium SUV like a CRV, RAV4, etc.

This is the correct answer. Hybrid SUV is the way to go for a family-friendly vehicle with some eco “street creds.”

Yeah, there’s all sorts of things that can go wrong when trying to tow with a highly modified brodozer. Those drive shafts are also of unknown vintage and can also snap off under high loads.

This, but maybe twice the drop:

MAGA stickers are standard accessories for these vehicles. To REALLY tilt people, put BLM, GreenPeace, Rainbow Flag, and Bernie stickers on this bad boy.

I feel like I’ve been hearing about the Bronco for the last 10 years. Unless it’s an absolute home run, anything else will be a disappointment because Ford has been teasing it and leaking info for so long.

Probably in the minority, but I hate the way the Mazda3 hatch looks. BMW X6 levels of bad.

To be fair, there were other sketchy drivers in sedans, sports car, and SUVs, but you notice the big pickups more. If a Porsche tailgated me, I wouldn’t notice as much as a truck with headlights 8' off the ground. Coupled that with their loud exhaust and engines, wobbly dynamics, and obnoxious stickers, these truck

Excellent condition, nice color, mostly tasteful mods, and relatively rare vehicle. But $12k is a big pill to swallow for this vehicle, but I’m betting someone will still take it. Little CP.

I like pickups, but their drivers have now become the new defacto a-holes on the road. Driving on I-95 this pass weekend, the vehicles are that are most likely to drive dangerously, pass on the right, tailgate, weave lane-to-lane, cut you off, etc., were pickups. The bigger and more bro-dozerly the truck, the more

Of all the vehicles on this platform, I’d think the Journey would be the most “desirable.” It’s bland but handsome, good features, useful, and incredibly cheap. I rented (common thread) a Compass once, and the best thing I can say about it is that I wasn’t worried about someone stealing it.

You’ve just described a Camaro. Got one yet?

This is the classic case of “this car is worth more to me than what I can sell it for.”

I’m not sure why the automotive press is enamored with the new Hyundai Sonata. Having seen it several times in person, that vehicle is hideous.