MV Majors

From my experience, this generation’s Explorer is one of the worst vehicles you can buy/drive/die in. A friend of mine had one in college, and the steering wheel was at almost 90 degrees from center when the car was going straight. The transmission is piss-poor even when it was working correctly, which is 50% of the

What Chevy Van has over 400hp?

Why does it “need” that much HP? The CRV weights ~3400 lbs, has a 1.5L turbo with 190hp, and goes 0-60 in slightly less than 8 seconds. This is more than enough if applied to a compact pickup.

Don’t worry, it’ll go down when you know how much these costs.

This is equivalent to a Gallardo with a Saturn Sky body kit, and asking for more than a stock Gallardo.

A company pollutes as a by-product of their production, whether it’s electricity, paper, or pork, and depending on where they’re located, they pay fines or additional pollution taxes, or nothing if they’re in a backwater area.

Not sure what your point is. You claim to make a great salary while living in a low cost-of-living area. Then why are you jealous when I tell you what the salaries are for highly skilled workers in my area is? Shouldn’t we be jealous of you (we’re not).

Unpopular opinion: You don’t need it.

That’s statistically not true. You may have one or two small tech bubbles in flyover country, but ALL your major tech companies are headquartered on the coasts, and will remain there for the foreseeable future. Amazon was never serious about putting HQ2 anywhere but major 5 major metro areas: San Fran, Southern Cal,

Jalop: We want a small, cheap pickup, not some Texas Ranch Edition that costs north of $60k.

Yes, I live on the coasts. Computer science majors are starting at $90 to $100k. However, the salaries tend to plateau around $150k unless you have some other special skills or are in a leadership role.

Lambo wave in Silicon Valley:

Another weak-sauce offering that will do great sales-wise. Meh otherwise.

That’s not true, and visas are hard to come by because of our current administration.

Putting micromanaging bosses aside, there are a host of disadvantages by having a work-at-home policy all the time. If you work in a team, not facing each other everyday doesn’t build teamwork. It’s often easier to work out problems face-to-face than via email or conference calls. It’s easier to reach people in an

That’s true for many software jobs. My wife is a program manager and basically works from home most days. The issue is that her coders also work from home, and their home is India. It’s always a double-edged sword. The flexibility to work from home is great, but that means there will be more competition for that job.

RAV4 Hybrid XSE

My rules regarding dealer. It’s mostly common sense.

1. Take a dump.

The first US-spec one will probably be owned by the WeatherTech guy. I guess he won’t need to splurge for the OEM floot mats.