MV Majors

I can’t fathom why the voting is this close.

If someone left the $6420 on the seat, but I had to DD this for the next 5 years, it’ll still be a 50/50 proposition.

When someone proclaims that something is “German engineered” to insinuate that it’s superior, just show them this picture. 

My first date with my wife was at an Applebee’s. Haven’t been back in ages, but always fond of it, especially since you can get a decent sit-down meal for a very good value.

It’s the perfect choice.

So VW/Audi can still have the capital to build the RS3s and R10/12s.

You gotta punch up the social-economic ladder a few rungs. I’d call these:

Other than the seats, MK7 styling and controls >> MK8. 

Holy cow! Thanks.

I bet with generous use of aluminum foil, a lot of that food could be (somewhat) safely eaten.

If someone (like G/O media) gave you $60k to buy a vehicle... any vehicle you want, would the S4 be it? Also, you can’t pocket the difference, so no $30k Accord and $30k cash.

I’m sure you will be evangelizing about steel until you die, and it will definitely happen before your precious steel makes a comeback.

Was “IMSXGOD” already taken?

This is Florida Man, slightly grown up and older. There’s some salt and pepper in the receding mullet. The tank top has been replaced with a button down shirt, untucked, of course. There’s a Harley in the garage, and the “If you can read this, the bitch fell off” shirt is still in the rotation. At 42, he might be a

I like steel too, but there’s a reason all modern aircraft and rockets are NOT made of steel.

Final Verdict:

For those saying that you could build a better rig for cheaper, of course that’s true! It’s like saying I can make the restaurant food cheaper at home. That WILL ALWAYS BE THE CASE.

It’s quite simple: it’s an 80% Jeep (due to too-long wheelbase) and 80% pickup (not that big/deep bed) for 120% money.

Neutral: I would like to see Netflix do a documentary on the Firestone/Explorer tire fiasco.

For $28k, there are certainly nice options, but I’d include the Civic as one of them. When you look at performance, features, etc., the Civic is very compelling (looks aside) and competitive for the money.