
That "Ice Cream" recipe seems to be more of a recipe for Sherbet.

@mutedia: I'm pretty sure he was joking.

@thegreatfratsby: What I want to know is, how did you get labelled a new user and have a star? I had the "Approve new users comment" icon on that one, and I could see it before expanding because you had a star.

@Headlam: October of last year!


@Alternate: Battlefield 1943 is just like Maze war, there is First Person Shooting.

Pfft. The game is a rip-off of Sonic the Hedgehog. Enemies turning into fluffy forest animals when you defeat them? Totally Sonic.

I'd be happy if bullets punch through those shields like they are made of tissue paper. There is a reason they stopped using shields around the time of gunpowder weapons.

Ouch, this is a major blow to Champions Online. One of their major features have been pulled out from under them.

@Đipic: This is the internet, nothing ever dies here. It just gets less common. Shortly after portal, you'd see that EVERYWHERE even in places that had nothing to do with cake or portal or valve. Now you just see it wherever cake is involved.

@kyosen: Corsets are big in the punk/goth scene.

See, I thought the point of dropping the UMD drive is to DROP the price. That is fucking ridiculous.

@WEGGLES90: Exactly, so the distance he CANT throw him must be very small. Why, he could possibly launch CHIBI into orbit, making the distance infinite, ignoring friction, collision, and the super-nova of the sun anyways.

@Shod: Your dad tea-bagged you?!?!

They cheated with that pic a bit, it isn't as dangerous as it looks. She is actually jumping backwards onto the roof from the ground.
