
Fahey, You've made me regret the lack of variety in bookshelf. I've sorely neglected classic literature.

About your assumption that you are Getting Old, Gonna die:

I don't like the new address bar. Not one bit. I'll wait for an add-on to revert it to 2.0 style.

I should have acted on my impulse and bought TTWO stock months ago. *sigh*

@AntiHiro: Because they are alien robots.

As a male gamer who likes music games, the sims, puzzles, and dreams of the day that a fighting game contains women who, get this, aren't in teeny tiny clothes with a rack bigger than their head, I'm all for this. Maybe it will get some of those idiots in the design/marketing departments to rethink some things.

@IronsUK: It's an early build. Don't judge it yet. If it doesn't change at all, then yeah. You are probably right. Of course, If it doesn't change at all, we'd need to run it on a dev-box.

"He is on a search for his missing younger brother Josh, a search that will taking him to the spooky depths of Silent Hill which seems to have an unnatural connection to Silent Hill." What?

@Nirolak: And a foot pedal, making drums have to focus on six buttons.

I want compatibility with N64 memory cards, damnit! How else am I going to use the Stop'n'Swop?

@CYG: Says you. Did you even PLAY Viva Pinata? That game was crack. The most recent Perfect Dark game sucked so hard it collapsed on itself and formed a singularity. They are MAKING the new Banjo-Kazooie game. The rights to Goldeneye and Donkey Kong Country are both owned by different companies.

"Presser start" gave me the entirely wrong impression.

@Dakobah: I'm tempted to argue with you, but you are making someone who is using the name snakeplisken as their username look even more foolish. That is something I approve of greatly.

@Scary-ass Cat: Who's Insomnia Bob? Why does he possibly have to choke a bitch?

@tnx3: Enjoyed the crap out of it today too. I got it four hours ago. I stopped playing about an hour ago. Three hours disappeared.

Tsk, tsk. I'm disappointed in Craig Ferguson. Doesn't he know that you can only look at internet porn for so long? There is a physical limit. Signs of overdosing on internet porn include:

See, this is how game development used to be done. It is a skill that needs to be relearned. It leads to streamlined code, reduces feature-creep, and encourages creativity in game design. If you are bad at it, it leads to gutting features to meet deadlines and limits, releasing a half-finished product, and everybody

"This Doki Doki Majo Shinpan Duo Cover is Not Right, Not Right at All."

I think what confused a lot of people was the OpenGL instead of DirectX. People have grown used to DirectX, suddenly switching to OpenGL causes a whole mess of problems with software development.

Nice, but where was the boomerang?