
So, the flash game designed around the trailers for Portal, has become a downloadable map-pack for portal? All it needs now is for SHIFT to be converted into a portal level and the world will end.

A blow just below the center of the rib cage. Not too hard, permanent damage may result. It's the area of Diaphragm, the entire cause of the hiccups. For some reason it keeps contracting and expanding rapidly, and a good shock usually knocks it out of it. Again, be careful. It is usually better to wait it out anyways

Tried it... hated it. Why change the interface so drastically? I'll wait for the stable release and someone to release a FF2 skin/layout.

Why the hell do they need my E-mail address? It's an extension, not an exclusive membership. Screw that. I'll wait for the knock-off that doesn't require a confirmation e-mail.

Ok. No authentic dried and smoked beef jerky then.

My favorite dream is the incompetent monsters one. It was almost a scary dream, but it turned out to be hilarious. I wouldn't have remembered it if I hadn't written it down. I've lost the actual writing, but I still remember it.

I decide what the remember the same way I decide what clothes to wash, I throw it against the wall and see whatever sticks XD

Wait, You are supposed to SPLIT checks? I've been "forgetting" my wallet for years! (I kid, I kid. We vaguely pay for what we ordered.)

I suffer from the opposite case of your first example, I have constructive criticism, but what comes out of my mouth is a stream of insults and curse words in a vaguely whiny voice. This article shall be of use to me. And a mercy to those around me.

Having some income is a good idea before you reverse budget. That's all I got.

You do realize what has to happen now right? It has to cause a total system crash on all computers it is installed on, just to satisfy my sense of irony. C'mon. Do it.

@conigs: Ditto, I'm running xp on the torrenting machine, and vista on the gaming machine. Ping in online games jumps from 30 to 300 when I'm torrenting, regardless of the speed of the download.

But spitting out pits is half the fun! Just like watermelons!

I wish they had a channel list, so I could decide if it was worth it.

My method? Being too damn broke to afford ANY gadgets.

Carl Sagan would be proud. Also annoyed that everyone keeps asking him to say billions.

What, Nobody mentioned Eye of the Tiger? For shame. You'd think nobody saw Rocky! It's a good pump-up song. It has fast tempo and the lyrics are perfect for a workout.

Woohoo! I AM NOT ON ZABASEARCH! Off the radar baby! Go me, go me. Googling my name only turns up a grade school relative, and a deceased Canadian WW2 naval vet. Of course, I'm only a college student... but still. I also discovered there is a memorial library named after a relative. Cool. I think I should live in the

Sounds similar to a do-it-yourself fish trap. Difference is you cut the top off instead of the bottom. (Cut off bottom, cut it 8 or so times so it looks like an overloaded asterisk, tape it so the cut bottom is facing in, then remove cap) fish can get in, and because water is flowing out of the cap-hole they think