So you’re an idiot. Good to know.
So you’re an idiot. Good to know.
You first you whiny fucking bitch
FUCKING hell I could go my entire fucking life if I never saw an article that uses the word “we” when the author clearly means “I, here, in my bedroom, lacking equitable remuneration and health insurance” or the headline locution “Science says” ever the fuck again.
I am both delighted and horrified, so I offer a very complicated star.
I’m seemingly in the minority, but I would strongly argue that the John Wick films, while very well choreographed, are chock full of gratuitous action that doesn’t add anything. How many times do we really need to see John take out a roomful of goons only for a second wave to arrive and he has to do it all over again?
Mom and dad said they were wrestling.
I figure they’ll just lobby Congress to make it legal to kill no more than, say, 15% of your film crew or 25% of your cast during a film.
Kill yourself
Yeah. I don’t want to name my old local but they largely did not take it seriously enough. The first time I worked load-out at a theater they assigned me to lighting. They had me up in the catwalk like “can you tie a bowline hitch we need to lower this viper” which are also heavy lights. I had already worked a…
I was IATSE, although in a smaller market, and stagehands are also notorious for drug issues. Partly it’s the long days - they drink to sleep and use uppers to wake up. I worked a convention center gig with a guy trained as a rigger. He smelled like beer and was panhandling on the floor. Literally asking other hands…
Even Volunteer Proofreader couldn’t take it any longer. I don’t know if he gave up, or died from overwork.
*Cracks open beer, kicks back in Lazy Boy.* Shut up, Frasier.
The fact that these articles do get written every once in a while is why I continue to visit. I guess G/O figured out the precise minimum amount of great content that will keep me devouring the river of shit that is everything else.
Mr. Zaslav, is that you?
This dick picked an appropriate moniker, at least.
He isn’t out there advocating for anything terrible, and he’s definitely a person who would not stand for actual harm being done to anyone.
“Out of” or “with”, either works
Shut up, Cloud
Deadpool 3
Deadpool 3
Is as dead
As three pools can be
Algae’s shocked
With hypochlorite
Until there’s nothing
Living inside
And you
Can have a summer pool party
I think he would say that doing his own stunts brings added verisimilitude to his movies. Which doesn’t bother me at all.