
Lol “police state”

....don’t use it, then? I am growing so tired of this “I don’t like something so NO ONE should be able to do/use it" nonsense.

Seem to remember you browbeating someone for “anecdotal evidence” just a few posts up. But since it supports your view, anecdotes are cool now, right?

I forget....which party fought aggainst freeing the slaves? Instituted Jim Crow? Created the Klan? Lemme guess......”we all switched sides in the 60s”? If only reality coincided with that belief.

So she creates a problem, FOR HER EMPLOYER, AT HER EMPLOYER, using tools against company rules, but Google is wrong for firing her? Is this generation really that entitled and stupid?

You sound like a bitter cat lady spinster who needs some dick and is pissed off at the younger, prettier, more successful girl down the hall who brings home a new guy every night.

Well, this reply was absolute bullshit. Winners have often mentioned political amd cultural events and their opinions on them in post match interviews. Literally not more than a year ago, two college students on a pro Overwatch team spent a full two minutes espousing their political opinions on cast, and not a word

This is hilarious. Leave it to Gizmodo to use hearsay in the comments yesterday on a story insisting this movie is going to whip white men into a murderous frezy and a real memo about “chatter on the darkweb” (lol) to smear anyone they disagree with as a “far right incel”. And yoy wonder why actual tech folks and

This is a ridiculous claim. Did anyone ever wonder if Boyz in the Hood and Menace to Society would fuel street violence? You all act like violence didn’t exist until movies, TV and videogames existed. How about we all grow up and use a little simple logic?

Can we PLEASE stop boiling down deep and interesting characters to focus on which type of genitals they prefer? If I were a gay man, I would find this terribly insulting and pedantic. Retconning existing characters to magically prefer the same sex after decades of storyline seems lazy and pander-y. Is it really that

The true irony?

“The right has moved so far right”

How to write totally not emotional women characters in Hollywood: he was driven to spraypaint swastikas all over a synagogue by listening to a Jew?

This entire article should be titled “How to create division, resentment and resistance to something we claim to care about”. First of all, the Russo brothers SWORE Captain Marvel wouldn’t be the person who took out Thanos, but really, that was just semantics, seeing as the fight would have ended in a barrage of space

Kumicho, YOU are why the garbage fire Trump won the election. Well, you and people like you. This “If you don’t think EXACTLY what I do, you’re a racist, redneck, hillbilly bigot!” schtick might as well have been officially called the “How can we make the most unlikable man on the planet the POTUS” tactic.

Yeah, no. See, you guys keep insisting that “Trump is in on it with Russia”. You do so by pointing to PARTS of the FBI report (just not the parts that say there was no real affect on the election, or that the leaks were not fabricated). Then you insist that the report, released by the FBI a few weeks prior to the