
Anything less than 3 monitors is legitimately painful for me.
It wasn’t always that way. There was a time that I only knew a world where one monitor was enough. I was young. Innocent. Naive.
But then a friend came to me and regaled the splendor of multiple monitors. “Surely, he jests” I thought, “No human can use two

Speaking as an immigrant to the US from this exact system (Japan), this works great and is popular in Japan. Single payer healthcare covers virtually everyone (99%), except for the extreme rare cases of people who pay significant sums into the system but still opt out. A small subset (9%) buy additional coverage

With all skulls on

Ah, this makes so much sense. All those black guys who died first in every action or horror movie weren’t pushovers, they were just playing on Legendary.

How often do you bust out that event reference in conversation? “This sales pitch reminds me of the Ljubljana Marshes hot air balloon crash of 2012, in that it is full of hot air and will almost certainly lead to six deaths.”

How dare deadspin publish a post by Mr. Petchesky, with his slavic sounding name, on this, the 5th anniversary of the Ljubljana Marshes hot air balloon crash in Slovenia. I am aghast at the insensitivity.

As always someone telling someone else to adopt. Adopting is not as easy as people think AND it’s not for everyone. I have been in the IVF side, and I also adopted, I can speak from both sides that neither is easy and sometimes adoption can be expensive. I did adopt through the government so technically it was “free”

Dan Savage made a point when discussing Hillary Clinton’s nineties stance on gay marriage.

Seriously I cannot begin to explain how much these people fester on certain boards. The Red Pill is another one, as is The Donald. Stopping them from forming echo chambers is a big first step.

Picking them off individually by pointing it out to their employers is a good idea, but it takes time. The action GoDaddy is taking is HUGE. that’s how we really put a dent in this: cutting of their revenue from ads, and denying them easy access to organize online. They’ll find somewhere else, they always do, but

Isn’t at-will employment great, alt-right guys?

I’ve heard a lot of guys brag that if they ran, they’d trip over their own dick, but this is the first time I’ve actually seen it happen.