
I read that like three times and it still doesn't really make and sense. It's to early for science. Also I am bad bad bad at flirting. Really terrible.

@funnyface: Or he'll yammer on about cooking a good meal while his "mama" rolls meatballs in a corner and his financier locks him out of his own restaurant.

@brendastarlet: And then complain via bullhorn about how she's been wronged.

To go from Eddie Murphy to Rocco DiSpirito? The definition of a lateral move.

Also, all those middle eastern countries, with all the names and all the different little groups. It's way to hard for a girl to keep straight. Don't, however, let yourself slack on being able to tell the difference between prada and gucci.

@tscheese: Well the hyphen, yeah, if you're into, like, chubby punctuation. But what can I say, I prefer mine thinner;

@stacyinbean: Also, question marks are so 2 season ago. It's all about the semicolon now;

@stacyinbean: What typo, you mean you don't have a finance. wow.

My finance has a whole closet full of sneakers. I only wear prada stilletos.

@katieb aka ghanima: Oh my, there were so many errors in that post. I am feeling a little light headed. I don't know why. I hate a whole grapefruit today.

@Clever.Sykes: You know I was thinking of getting her for my wedding (I'm just recently engaged) by she just seems so Nouveau riche. Not that you are, of course, or your wedding was. I just want something e bit more Madison Ave, and less...canadian.

@flackette is a huffy feminist: but then all of my pictures will include chubby girls, how is that going to look 10 years down the line. I mean I could have them photoshopped down a few sizes, but they'll still be at the table, eating away. No, the models are a much better route. Sigh being engaged is so stressful.

@CarrieMC: Sweetie you don't destroy the dress, you have to keep it and try it on every few months to make sure that you still fit in it. And if it gets a little looser all the better.

I just agree with whatever my boyfriend...sorry fiance says. You know, the proposal was so sudden I keep forgetting how lucky I am, fortunately there was a photographer there, so I could send photos to all of my friends, even the poor single ones.

@tscheese: We all had fun, don't be self conscious. Remember men like confidence, but not to much, they should be in control.

It's true a black man really is the best accessory a woman can have. As long as you don't date. That simply will not do.