
Contrary to many of the snarky "Texas" posts that are thrown about so carelessly here, this lady embodies everything that it is to be a Texan. She makes me proud to be a Texan. Godspeed and best wishes. She will definitely be in my thoughts.

I don't have time today, but she also needs your stories. She needs to stay on-topic, otherwise they'll end her filibuster, so if you can share your 500-word story, it'll help keep her going.

I mean yeah, actually underage kids are generally really, really good at working out the basic requirements of sexual intercourse (technique and a certain amount of style may or may not be picked up later on). Which is why if we have any ambition to manage our society responsibly we need them to also gain a

"They'll find out soon enough."

And coincidentally, "Let's Talk About Sex" started playing on Pandora when I clicked on this article.

Just curious: What are the symptoms of sleep deprivation?

Any chance they're similar to those of OCD?

Eva Longoria is producing a show with multiple WOC leads. Also it has Susan Lucci. As far as I'm concerned it gets a pass for the entire first season to work out the kinks. I mean, have you ever gone back and watched the pilot of a show you loved? The characters all seem weirdly one-dimensional and stereotypical.

Jon's getting more silver foxy every day. I approve, I approve.

"I'm supposed to recite the pledge with three fingers raised? Fuck you. You're lucky I'm giving you two. I'm a motherfucking daisy: deal with it, bitches."

<3 this kid

I'm a Troop leader for my daughter's troop of 1st and 2nd graders. It is really hard to find volunteers, which really sucks. I have 11 girls and it's super hard to get parent or community participation. I like that we're moving away from the outdoorsy stuff, because it's expensive and time consuming. This year the

Ah, but if you're not cherry-picking the verses that apply to people you want to lay judgment upon (whilst tacitly ignoring those that condemn your own actions) you're doing it wrong!

It's sort of like that meme image running around of the dude who got the Levitican verse that labels homosexual activity an

Please refer to the photo above. We live here, and we are fighting. Hard.

The Tribune, as always, has the best rundown. They kept a running blog of the goings-on. The House just voted on the third reading and it passed. Now we wait for the Senate to take it up tomorrow.

Oh no. Actually—little known fact—but Watership Down was also written by a rabbit. Rabbits frequently communicate in the form of prose and poetry, you know.

I think this is pretty much an illustration of what Bob did to Pete all episode on Mad Men. Except cuter.


LOVE IT. Way to carry on the legacies of badass Texas women like Molly Ivins and Ann Richards. I'm sure these dicks had no idea what they were in for - but let's hope they'll remember!

Wow. That's a lovely gift. How wonderfully personal and special. The best gifts are like that. Granted, money is nice when you are young and starting out, but I don't get that impression here. Just greed and poor manners and tackiness.

One of my friends who came to my ill-fated wedding did not buy us a gift, but instead made a card that he drew completely by hand, and it was AMAZING. It was probably one of my favorite things that we got for our wedding, because instead of picking glasses off our registry, he took some time to personalize something