All you have to do is go drive one. It will cure the obsession. They should have called that thing the Lexus BodyRoll.
All you have to do is go drive one. It will cure the obsession. They should have called that thing the Lexus BodyRoll.
I feel like this is due to BMW wanting everyone to accept their DCT as the default option for performance. Actually, I am sure a lot of manufacturers are trying to get us to take the automatic so they can save a ton of development costs and ditch the clutch on their performance cars. So they either failed at properly…
That is from the outside though. They are actually engineered so they break more easily from the inside so you don’t crack your skull open if you hit the windshield.
The Fusion is available with a manual!?
Well, these weren’t environmentalists exactly. I’m guessing they are members of PETA. The one group that makes the environmentalists look calm and rational.
An S2000 replacement would be awesome, but I think it would be a better overall strategy for Honda to bring back the Prelude in some fashion.
You know, I am not even talking about the reliability when I mention their quality. I know they still make very dependable vehicles.
They just don’t understand what made those cars special back in the 90’s. They were always just a little bit better, quality-wise than their competition. Some of that was due to the rest of the industry not really caring about it and chasing each other on the lowest price point.
Yep. If you’re trusting in the Lord to direct your path, and you’re hoods up, something went
sidewaysas expected.
It’s all relative. And it is a gamble.
This is a part of the rising costs, but not as much as you might think.
The sane way to handle not being able to afford as much car would be to buy less car….
Those requirements are for every single new car that is sold. This discussion is about all cars currently on the road.
The big hurdle I see here is that the manufacturers have to give up a pretty big cash cow to allow Apple and Google in their dashboards. It isn’t because they have spent so much on R&D for their own system. It’s because our smartphones offer us so much that the manufacturers cannot monetize.
I know I’m late to this post, but this question is really intriguing. And not easily answered.
Speaking of which, he is asking for nearly as much as a decent NSX would cost. No way, not ever is this worth that much.
With vehicles like this, it’s really hard to judge. I mean, I would, in no way, ever in a million years buy this thing at any price.
Damn do I ever wish they made this more compatible with longer legs.