
You could just, you know, not come here. And if you really wanted to get banned, there are easier ways of doing that than posting an opinion, which isn’t against the site’s rules.

“I don’t want to risk getting another channel strike, as after three I will be removed from Twitch.”

Horns are only to be sounded to warn someone you are present when they do not appear to have seen you and there is imminent risk of a collision; or to sound a general alarm to crisis (eg; a fire or a distress signal). Being an angry dickless moron is not a reason. Learn to deal with your anger in a more constructive

Videogame boy doesn’t look like he could defend himself against a three-day-old ham sandwich. He should take his mom’s advice.

Anyone who honks in anger is a cunt.

The developers have literally talked about the sexual elements of the game, the monsters, mary, pyramid head, and james’ sexual repression etc, (and I don’t know how this isn’t the most obvious thing just from playing the game, it’s apart of everything in the game) not that the word of the developers should even

I like how “Updating the Switch” is a feature

They can also differentiate voices and are extremely good at problem solving. We had one when I grew up, it fell from the nest as a baby. Kept him until he could fly and survive on his own. But in that time he learned to talk about 38 words, and would call us by name. Words he learned were things like water, or food,

I remember reading a study about how crows can remember faces, and communicate that information to other crows... so yeah, they were fucking with you.

They’ve done experiments and crows recognize faces.

Thats why you dont fuck with the crows

Does the full letter explain why your advice to her husband being a worthless asshole is that she has to do all the work and try harder. But make sure she doesn’t speak to him when he’s gaming!

I dunno. Seems like her actual problem is “I married a 12 year old”

I was thinking, this sounds a lot like being married to an alcoholic: his free time planned around one specific activity and becoming angry when he’s asked to stop doing it for even one night; blaming the spouse for her unhappiness and suggesting she’s a nag, or she never lets him have any fun; the disinterest in sex

Yup. Like I want to hear a bunch of cosplayers ramble on about how much the show means to their cats or whatever the fuck.

Some guy just realized a life long goal of personally addressing his hero, his inspiration, his raison d’etre.

It sucks so much when Q&A audience members make the question about themselves.

This is why every junior high school needs to include at least one visit to a farm, a slaughterhouse, and a commercial kitchen. Kids need to know this stuff.

Life is a rich tapestry and we all have different feelings towards meat but

Amazon used to give you a price adjustment as a partial refund if you reported the price change to them within a certain number of days, but they stopped this practice recently, unfortunately. Some third party sites were requesting these partial refunds automatically on behalf of customers for a percentage of the

Amazon used to give you a price adjustment as a partial refund if you reported the price change to them within a