
Question: do you believe the last sentence?

Also, weirdly, Johnson.

"The time has come to fight against the evil that has grabbed hold of the USA, not to cozy up with it."

Perhaps! But I think Colbert said to be more discerning with whom you put into those categories.

Superficially, Obama voters stayed home or switched. So, "Clinton is a trash bag candidate with no message?"

Ah! My mistake. Foolish me.

Real question: you're in Wisconsin, yeah? Johnson just pasted Feingold. You saw their ads online and on television, correct?

I can definitely see that it appears to be a bunch of friends with inside jokes that are totally impenetrable to a new audience.

Gotye has made a huge big deal of him and gotten that mainstream audience paying attention, too.

Definitely agreed. I think was a necessary step and I can vouch that the new songs hit a little harder live, BUT I love the urgency, the hooks, and a little more of the acid humor from Honeyblood.

And, even better, it was 1 among many articles making that point, reinforcing the idea by their mere existence.

Disagree, but Colbert's Late Show descriptors really are magical and my pick. What better way to represent the presidential election cycle, at least, than insult humor?

See also: schools, work output, et cetera.

This year, I'm pretty sure voters have not given Clinton a blank check. I'm pretty sure "split Senate, Republican House, Democrat President" is exactly what they want.

I don't know, there's:
The amazing Fabric compilation that people should absolutely support. 111 new tracks, all to save arguably the best club and 1 of the best labels in the world.

I would actually say it's the worst of both worlds. The, ugh, mainstream media is self-evidently biased when it comes to "news" or "policy issues" in terms of the structure of articles on a subject, the number and types of people they quote, the framing and explanation of issues in news stories, and the types of

At least in my experience, it's fake-rough, where it's a bunch of nice people play-acting toughness. It'll be intense, but only in a good way and almost totally focused on the performance. I recommend it!

Yes, because I didn't make an overarching comment that sounds like a lost Lennon lyric. I didn't say that 1 city or state means it holds nationwide or internationally, either. Simple! My truth claim was much smaller.

And in our horrible, horrible elected officials and bureaucracy. The leaders of Europe and Asia generally attract great minds to those positions. That has its drawbacks, in my view! But at least they understand that efficacy matters for old nations.